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Nortel Extranet Access Client 5

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Jan 1, 1970
I have Nortel Extranet Access Client (v03_70.18) installed on a Windows 98 machine. At home, I have DSL connected to a Linksys router with my home machine (Win XP Home Edition).

When I connect my laptop (win98) to the router and log in with the Nortel Client, I get logged on fine and can access all my Corporate resources. After about 5 minutes, I get an error stating "The Routing Table cannot be changed. Connection terminated.". I then have to restart my computer to connect again (and still only for 5 minutes).

I loaded a Nortel client on my home PC and was able to connect without any problem. The connection did not terminate after 5 minutes.

To test my work machine (laptop), I dialed into my ISP and then logged in with the Nortel client. Again, the routing table changed after 5 minutes and my connection was terminated so I know it's not the Linksys router.

The helpdesk at work is stumped. Any thoughts?

I have also had the "checking for banner text from:" error message. I am using 4.15 and to resolve the problem if you have a proxy server and are running the proxy client is to uninstall the proxy client. This fixed the problems on our dial in machines. Apparently too many protocol bindings on the same adapter can cause the Access client not to work correctly. Know Nortel problem for certain O/S..

For more details contact helpdesk@gravityconsultancy.co.uk £70 per hour.... :0)
I have also had a similar problem with the same "checking for banner text from:" error message when the client hasn't installed properly on a windows 9x machine. The problem appears when the "Extranet Access Client Adapter" has not been created in the Network properties. A uninstall and reinstall installs the adapter.

For more details contact helpdesk@gravityconsultancy.co.uk £70 per hour.... :0)
I have also had a similar problem with the same "checking for banner text from:" error message when the client hasn't installed properly on a windows 9x machine. The problem appears when the "Extranet Access Client Adapter" has not been created in the Network properties. A uninstall and reinstall installs the adapter and fixes the problem.

For more details contact helpdesk@gravityconsultancy.co.uk £70 per hour.... :0)
After installing EAC 4.6 and doing all of the neccessary updates for Windows 95 , I gtet error that Entrust client hasn't been installed

I too have "Cannot create socket with 10048" issues with Nortel VPN client. I could try to solve it when i stop "SSH Sentinel" service. But everytime when i try to connect, the system reboots automatically ...

what could be the problem? I am working with Windows 2000

Few days back it worked well
This is a very long thread but I have tried to read most of it to see if I can get my answers but didn't find it
I have 2 questions

a) I am using Contivity Extranet client on XP home to connect to my workplace. Can I use the XP VPN client instead? If so where do I enter the group Security information I am entering in the Contivity Client?

b)I get the impression I cannot connect to the NT Domains at my workplace from XP Home. Is this so? The guy at work showed me on a W2K machine where I could fill in the relevant information like network domain. I can't find this anywhere in XP except one place where I can fill in a computer name and a workgroup. Is workgroup same as a domain?

c)Someone said I could enter the information on the command line. What should I enter? How will this let me connect to the server?

d) Lastly I installed VNC Server on my PC at work (it is an NT machine) I took down the IP address I got by hovering my cursor over the tray icon. Then I connected to the VPN from home. Then fired up the VNC Client and entered this above IP address. No dice. Any suggestions?

If you are getting the "checking for banner text from:" error, something else that my company's IT department recommends is this:
If you are running Windows 2000, NT or XP, install EAC as a SERVICE. If you are running Windows 95, 98 or ME, install EAC as an APPLICATION.

This eliminated the error for me.
Reply to Megs: This reply may be a little late (but some others may be able to use it):

a) If your workplace used Nortel VPN switches then you are stuck up with Nortel Extranet Access Client. Hence the answer is "No" to XP VPN.

b) Workgroup is not same as domain. My guess is you need XP professional to enter domain information. Anyway even if you can enter domain info, still you cannot login to the domain because most probably your workplace will not allow you to register your machine in the domain.

If your question is how can I map share drives in workplace computers, then the answer is as follows: You anything for computer name and Workgroup name. When you map a shared drive give "yourdomin\nt_userid" as userid and your workplace NT id as password.

c) net use X: \\computername\sharename /USER:domain\userid
(where X: is the drive to which you wish to map). Alternatively you can follow (b) to map drive using Windows explorer.

d) Have no idea on this - can't help you on this one.

Hope this helps.
I have run most of the versions of Extranet access client is many Windows versions. I have used SMC7004WABR and D-link 614+ routers. I have come across most of the problems noted here. I hope this is helpful to others and somebody may be able to come up with solutions to things that I could not resolve:

1. Extranet connection cannot establish / Can establish connection but cannot receive data In this common thing is you cannot get response to ping you can’t even find a single machine in the network. Most probably this is due to the router you use. Try connecting without the router and check. I have found this problem was there in SMC7004WBR but got resolved when I installed the latest firmware. In some routers, like Linksys you need check the "allow VPN pass through" in an admin panel.
2. "Checking for banner text" and then timeout. I have seen this happening in my XP even if I have installed it as a service. This problem goes off all the time, if I reboot. I recommend clicking cancel button if you see the “Checking for banner text” dialog box and then rebooting your machine.
3. After almost 5 minutes a dialog box tells "Routing table cannot be altered" and the connection is broken. I have seen this happening as exactly as some people has noted. In some cases this is attributed to the frequent PPPoE dialups and dynamic IP changes. In those cases only you could set the lease time high for PPPoE. Or also it may be something related to your router. Your router may be a single VPN pass through type and had to forward the port 500 and 1723 as explained earlier. If your router supports multiple VPN pass through, then you should be doing anything here.
4. Dialog box "Routing table cannot be altered" is not consistent - some days it comes in 5 minutes and other times it stays up for hours. I have noticed this in my Windows 98 box. Nortel Extranet client running on a Windows 98 machine disconnects me giving this problem while an XP, 95 or and NT box works fine! I have tried all my best to solve this issue, but unfortunately I couldn’t. My Windows 98 boxes will be connected for hours some day – in other days it may get disconnected every 5 minutes. If you have a similar experience in any other OS (some times it works for hours and other times it works for only 5 minutes or 15 minutes or even 35 minutes), please let me know. Somebody wrote here that they are experiencing this for Windows 2000. I also know people with Windows 98, who don’t have this problem. Sounds crazy but can it be a Windows 98 setup issue??? If it is a router or ISP issue then why is my XP and NT box working without problem.. I have not forwarded port 500 or port 1723 and still the other machines works well. I also tried to forward these ports to the machine that gives me problems - funny, but that did not resolve the issue.

I hope somebody can give more light on item 5. Hope this is helpful to some.
I work as a VPN/RAS specialist for my company. I have worked with Nortel several times over the phone. I have some answers and some questions.

Answers -

"Cannot create socket with 10048"
To solve this issue, the user must either disable or remove the other VPN client or application that has disabled the IPSEC protocol. For each application the instructions can be radically different.

Examples of other VPN client that would cause this issue:
SSH Sentinel

"Checking for Bannertext from...."
I had this problem on my win 2000 machine using the Linksys (forgot code name) 4 port router. My other machines in the house, XP and ME worked fine. I was stumped, until my buddy was upgrading his wireless router and he gave me his Linksys Wireless 4 port router, newer than mine. The Windows 2000 machine worked fine from that day on. It had to be something I could not find in the router settings. It was odd because all my other machines were working. I bet if I had tried the solution above for removing Sharing, it would have worked.

Questions -
"Failed to get registry key value for NT_ipsecshm:"
I came to this site seeking an answer for this. On XP, in the string above, my users folders stop at \Root\ no NT_IPSECSHM folder. Can I add this folder and the strings below it? Or what loads this so I can reload it? I had a user with the problem before, but I couldn't solve it without formating the harddrive and reloading Windows. For this user this is not an option.

Any help would be appreciated and hope my solutions help.


I have installed Nortels EAC 4.10 eac410d on my XP home edition. I tried both install methods ( default and domain) to try to connect to my work but I keep getting this " Please fill in both a group id and group password under the authentication options.."
I have made the baynet.tbk file exactly as my company's standard but I am still getting this error. I don't know if this helps but we use RSA token and pin.
If I enter any gibberish as the group password, it looks like it is connecting to the CES but either i am returned Authentication Failed or Bad username/password. I checked the admin side for my profile and I have not even hit the CES. I can ping it though. I tried using its FQDN and its IP address. Is there anything I am missing or have installed it incorrectly? Any help pleeaasse [gorgeous]



Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - ENUM - ROOT - NT_IPSECSHM

Select the Key "0000" below NT_IPSECSHM, and you will be presented with all the details concerning the IPSEC adapter.

Check the details pane at the right. You will notice the absence of the entry "Driver : REG_SZ : {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0008

This line is essential to link the driver to the adapter. With the "0000" highlighted in the left pane, choose EDIT - Add Value. Enter "Driver" as the value name, and make sure that REG_SZ is the data type. Choose OK to proceed.

Highlight the "Driver : REG_SZ : " in the right pane, choose EDIT - STRING from the menu. Enter the value: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0008 in the field for "value". Click OK to proceed.

Since all registry changes are made real-time, you do not have to reboot. Close the registry editor.

Re-run the Extranet setup file. The procedure will run through it's course and all files, drivers, and icons will be installed.

Reboot, you will be able to continue setting up the client

To Renus75, I to do most all support for VPN (Nortel) for my company, I have ran into that issue a few times, and at first had to re-image the pc, from expeirance, what happen to you was a user that thought he new what he was doing and tried to delete the registry key or key's himself, I had a user with the same thing, I thought I could just waltz in as the hero and fix his **** but low and behold I had a user that admited (before I began to work)that he deleted some registry keys hoping it would fix it. Well Nortel sets itself up pretty good in tcp stack, and that is exactly what it is, a stack and if you pull something out of the stack? It falls! Time to re-image.......

I have a Win2K box with a Nortel Connectivity VPN s/w 4.15. I use ATT Boadband cable with a Linksys(VPN Supported) router with ports 500 and 1723 routed to my internal static IP 500 and 1723 respectively. I run the Nortel COnnectivilty s/w as an interactive application(not service).

I succesfully connect and i can see the IP's that are assigned to me. But in about 10-20sec I get the error "The Routing table cannot be altered after the VPN connection has been established. The connectivity VPN has been closed"

Can some one help me.


By default Win2k has the dynamic dns update option enabled.
Try disabling that and see if the problem clears up...
The option can be found under your Local Area Connection Properties->Internet Protocol Properties->Advanced->DNS->Register this connection's address in DNS. Make sure it's not checked.

FAQ ID: NORT30884 Product Family: Enterprise Data

How to correct Extranet Client error message: "The routing table cannot be altered after the Extranet connection has been established".

Enterprise Data


Extranet Access Client

Windows 2000

How to correct Extranet Client error message: "The routing table cannot be altered after the Extranet connection has been established" on a Windows 2000 machine.


Windows 2000 supports dynamic changes to the routing table. The 2.62.47 Extranet Client does not support this because of security issues.
The error message can be caused by either:
1) A DHCP server reassigning an IP address for the PC or router.
2) The Windows 2000 client being part of a Dynamic DNS update, which changes the routing table on the PC.
Increase the DHCP lease time, or disable Dynamic DNS to alleviate the problem.


I am new to this Nortel's VPN box. A vendor has installed it in one of our offices in order to connect to the vendor's network. We are using EAC v.02_62.47 on some client PC's that run either Win 98 or Win 2K. Once the VPN connection is established, we lose the local connection. As JDMillspa has mentioned, I would like to try enabling the "split tunnelling" on Contivity Server. Please help me to do this. My vendor is not cooperating by saying that this is not recommended.


Connecting with the Nortel concentrator is fine but as soon as Internet Explorer is launched the connection is terminated with a cannot alter routing table error. What gives?
Help!! I can't even get to the problems ya'll are talking about because when I try to install EAC 4.15 or 4.65, it goes thru copying all the files and then at the end a box pops up that says "The user has cancelled or aborted the installation", BUT I have done nothing!!! Any ideas?? Thanks! I need to set up to work from home ASAP!
“The system was not rebooted after Contivity VPN Client installation,“ appeared after I installed 4.60 which is the same issues as Andromx (Visitor) on 4/10/02 & jlmsteeler (MIS) on 6/5/02. jlmsteeler’s suggestion of changing compatibility mode did not work. Any other idea’s? Thanks dguarino@intrasolutions.com.
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