Technical User
This script will login into the Nortel PBX. Set the time to your PC time and date and logout
You only need to change three things "define Name" ,"define Pswd" and "Waituntil" (Waituntil if you want to run it at a certain time and date.
;Procomm Script to SET TIME LD 2)
#define Name "Logi^M" ;if you use Name login change to "LOGI YOUR_Name_Here^M"
#define Pswd "12345^M" ; Put your password here
;Waituntil "9:26:00" "1/27/05"
proc main
integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iMin, iHour, iSec
string sSend
ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
strfmt sSend "STAD %02d %02d %d %02d %02d %02d" iDay iMonth iYear iHour iMin iSec
set txpace 75
Transmit "****^M"
pause 1
Transmit "LOGO^M"
pause 1
Transmit Name
Transmit Pswd
waitfor ">"
transmit "ld 2^M"
waitfor "."
transmit "TTAD^M"
waitfor "."
transmit sSend
transmit "^M"
waitfor "."
pause 2
transmit "TTAD^M"
waitfor "."
pause 2
transmit "****"
transmit "LOGO^M"
You only need to change three things "define Name" ,"define Pswd" and "Waituntil" (Waituntil if you want to run it at a certain time and date.
;Procomm Script to SET TIME LD 2)
#define Name "Logi^M" ;if you use Name login change to "LOGI YOUR_Name_Here^M"
#define Pswd "12345^M" ; Put your password here
;Waituntil "9:26:00" "1/27/05"
proc main
integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iMin, iHour, iSec
string sSend
ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
strfmt sSend "STAD %02d %02d %d %02d %02d %02d" iDay iMonth iYear iHour iMin iSec
set txpace 75
Transmit "****^M"
pause 1
Transmit "LOGO^M"
pause 1
Transmit Name
Transmit Pswd
waitfor ">"
transmit "ld 2^M"
waitfor "."
transmit "TTAD^M"
waitfor "."
transmit sSend
transmit "^M"
waitfor "."
pause 2
transmit "TTAD^M"
waitfor "."
pause 2
transmit "****"
transmit "LOGO^M"