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Nortel 11C Analog Trunk Card 2

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Technical User
Mar 28, 2012
Is there any problem with having both Ground and Loop start trunks on the same analog trunk card?
Still having problem with analog trunks. Have 11C with a three member route to three analog COT's. Had carrier convert to loop start, they missed order on one line and we converted two to loop, and the third one remained ground start We disabled the ground start trunk, and had the two loop trunks in service. Worked fine for a while then stopped working, trunk appears idle, swith will connect to it but call will not go through. When line number is called it is busy, indicatinfg the switch has it siezed. Telco was called two days ago and verified that the loops are good. Changed the trunk card yesterday, and the to loops trunks started working. Tested again this morning with LD 36 test call and neither are working again. Had to enable the ground start trunk, since it is the only one that will work.
We have converted two other 11C sites to loop and are having no issues. Any ideas?

Make sure the Telco is supplying disconnect on those trunks, they should be but you never know. Also make sure SUPN is yes in the trunk. Also check the route for disconnect under NEDC and FEDC, they should both be eth.
An easy to check and see if they are supplying disconnect supervision is to put a butt set right on the trunk with it disconnected from the PBX, call the trunk from another phone and answer it on the butt set, release the call from the phone you called your butt set on first, then see if you stay off hook on your butt set that the CO returns you dial tone if you stay off hook.
Route setting for NEDC, and FEDC are set to eth. AT&T CO is not set for disconnect supervision. IS there anything that needs to be set in the route data for loop start?
Can we set NEDC, and FEDC to org, and solve the problem. I think it may take an order for the Telco to change?
There is no setting in the RDB for loop start. You really need to have the carrier change this. You can try changing NEDC and FEDC but I'm sure the outcome will be the same. This very well could affect conference calls too.

You have been a great help. One more question for clarification, there is not a trunk card phyical change for ground to loop is there?

No trunk card change, it should be an NT8D14 Universal Trunk Card
Programming changes in LD 14 are required (LOP) (GRD)
Found the problem. The telco had not changed the line card in the remote unit to match the CO. Once they corrected this trunks started working fine.

Thanks for everyones help!!
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