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Norstar Flash Upgrade Paths

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Jan 26, 2005
System Components

Norstar Plus
Modular ICS
Fast RAD

I am looking for resources on flash/software upgrades for a Norstar system the current CCR - AA system does not provide the nessisary options for the customer. I guess I am just looking for a point ub the right direction b4 we look at replacing the system. Thanks in advance for your time/consideration.


Sam Batschelet
IT Manager
West Branch Resort
What options are you looking for that the current system does not have?
Hi bkrike,
Here is the main requirement, this type of layout seems to be popular so I know its possible.

1.) Currently AA will only allow you to send a call to one extention. We would like to be able to setup groups where the call would be transfered to. If no one answers or all lines are busy then the caller is put in a holding pattern for x minutes with options to allow a message to be left in the general mailbox for that group (ex. sales).


caller---------option1(sales)----------(sales members)ext1, ext2, ext5 in a hunt

2.) AA to mailbox/recording: We have recordings that we would like to place in the options tree. (ex. directions) But AA does not currently allow for this.

caller--------option2(directions)-------directions recording

3.) Ability to program time periods to put all calls to AA and no rings to internal system. Example Sat 8 - 11

Thanks Again


Sam Batschelet
IT Manager
West Branch Resort
All this can be done with your current system. You need a new vendor, not a new system.
At the max, you may want ot upgrade your MICS software depending on the version, and perhaps go to a call pilot VM while you are at it.
What is the software virsion of the MICS. 5.0 and higher gives option for hunt groups. Migth just have to upgrade the MICS
All is available as you describe with your current eq. If you wish to go to a third level in auto-attendant, you will need to change the flash to Call Pilot. A possible upgrade in MICS software might then be required. As Bkrike recoomends... find a KNOWLEDGABLE vendor in your area.

TeleMarv Services
Hi Guys,

Ok so I need to upgrade the MICS to 5.0 from the looks of this conversation, which I do greatly appreciate by the way. Unfortunatly we are in the boonies and our local Telcom (only Telcom) can't service the system with a tech that knows a damn. Can these be purchased outside of the "Vendor" as in I really don't want to deal with them. We bought the system and they provide the service but outside of that the tech they send is a general tech with no expereince. I do a bit of perl/java programming and am good with systems work so I think with the proper docs I could do a lot of this myself. Unfortunatly all they (Telcom) can provide me is Flash Set Up and Opp Guide, which seems to be dated as some options do not work and too basic. I am willing to pay for advanced tech docs or a HOWTO and the MIC card upgrade that looks like its a sort of PCMCIA card.

Thanks again everyone


Sam Batschelet
IT Manager
West Branch Resort
Sam the only thing I can suggest is you find a new vendor who will sell you the upgrade (which comes with manuals by the way) and a relevant Flash guide based on your flash software version (which also may require upgrading). This forum is not for solicitation and anyone who attempts to sell on here is quickly bamnned. I understand your abilities, but there is no way we/I can walk you through all the steps here. Find a vendor who a)knows what they are doing and b) who is willing to travel to your location. Good Luck

TeleMarv Services
You may also want to look at installing a RAD that way you want just be tied to your Telco. You can get anyone to do most of the programming remotly and you be the hands on site.
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