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Non-Delivery Messages 1

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Sep 19, 2001
I'm getting non-delivery for e-mails being sent out of outlook 2000 which are configured with an external POP/SMTP server in their properties. Mailboxes are stored on an Exchange 5.5 server. The server is used to store mail and do collaborative work but does not have IMS (SMPT).

Clients are able to receive e-mails but unable to send. They get: Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: test
Sent: 5/16/2003 3:22 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'user@test.com' on 5/16/2003 3:22 PM
No transport provider was available for delivery to this recipient.

On the client side i'm seeing:

win98/ME: After exiting outlook following non-delivery receipt you get an error: MAPISP32.exe caused an invalid page fault in module rtfhtml.dll

Windows 2000: After exiting outlook following non-delivery receipt you get an error MAPISP32.EXE. The instruction at "....." referenced memory @ "...". The memory could not be read.

Have tried KB 318658 and KB 813741 with no luck. Problem must be central as it's all outlook clients that cannot send. Could be:

E-mail provider (says nothing going on there)
Firewall blocking (nothing has changed i'm not seeing anything specific logged)
Exchange server (only stores the mailboxes with mail and not used as SMTP or POP/IMAP server)

Please advice or point in right direction.

Well one and all, i'm heading out to golf for the week but one of the admins from the company that I'm helping may be in and posting here occasionally with my id.

Just wanted to post a quick note so noone thought I was goin crazy or anything if something gets reposted.

I am definitely interested in hearing how much success you have with your reconfig pikk.

Peace out and merry golfing to all.
Good Morning All

Well..I tried the same workaround on another system this weekend and it failed. I shake my head...

Can someone recommend an easy alternative to sending internet mail thru Outlook? Creating a second profile is a solution but not an option for me. The "powers that be" would not endorse that...for sure. As for re-doing the Exchange server..not a good option either simply because I don't have another RAID 5 2300 kicking around. Darn...maybe I should look at the new Oracle mail server. :)

I'll keep you all up-to-date on my progress here.


what about installing POPcon as recommended earlier by Marc and having your exchange server do all the work. Wouldn't have to change anything except add the 3rd party software which i found has gotten great reviews.

If you're already routing some internet mail through a linux box, could you route the rest? maybe that's an easier solution for you?

I added a larger drive this weekend. No luck. Exchange still gave the defrag error. :(

And of course we are still having problems with outgoing Internet e-mail. I will try to defrag manually to see what happens. I can only do this on weekends because my users demand our Exchange Server be on 24/5.
Finally got mine fixed over this weekend. Built up an old machine into a second exchange server and added it to my existing site. Then transferred all the mailboxes and public folders over to it. Then stripped down the original server, reloaded the OS and Exchange from scratch, and brought it back up on the existing site. Then transferred all the mailboxes and public folders back to it and everything is running fine. This is nuts and I sure can't see why this works to fix it when everything else failed.
BTW, if anyone else tries this fix, be careful of the sequence you use to wipe out & re-load your original server. As the first server in the site, it has some special things that need to be done during the process. (see MS Knowledgebase Article 152959 & related stuff)
Sure wish I knew what caused this to happen.
Good luck

Hey Everyone....

Well, no luck in trying to get this fixed at the cleint level. And...according to Microshaft, we're basically SOL. From what I've researched thus far...using Internet Mail and Exchange C/W together in Outlook is simply not supported. MS says that it may work but not forever. And, if it does work then we are all lucky.

My only workaround for now is to install IMS and use it for Internet mail. Not too crazy about this as we don't have a sufficient back up of our Exchange box. When I took over here (IT Mngr) things were already setup..or so I thought. Anybody have any good tips for backing up my DB's and other pertinent files? At this point I have no Open FIle Back up software and I'm basically going to start copying files.

Also...any tips on setting up IMS on an Exchange 5.5/NT 4.0 SP5 box would be helpful too. :))

Thnx People!!

The Pikkster

Guess MS luck ran out at the same time for everyone on this post. For backups, if you run a W2K DC it is exchange aware and you'll be able to backup your IS and DS from that system or install a tape backup on your current Exchange box. On either one you can just run the native NTBackup for backing up the drives.

If you want to manually back them up, earlier on in the post there is a recommendation on which files you need to copy.

As for installing IMS. I haven't done it yet but should be wizard driven and not too difficult. There are a few KB articles that i don't recall off the top of my head. You may also want to consider POPcon.
Well more bad news. I tried mikewy's fix with no luck. We did the following:
- Reformatted the drives
- Install fresh copy of NT with all the current service packs.
- Installed Exchange 5.5, with all patches
- Restored Pub, Priv and related files
- Tested Pub and Priv with Eseutil.exe. The data was fine.

We still had the same problem. This is our final solution:

Short Term
- Install Outlook Express for lower staff. We have about 200.
- Upgrade to Outlook XP for executive staff (luckly we only have about 10). We confirmed that the XP version works okay. Outlook 97, 98 and 2000 seem to be only ones with the problem.

Long Term
Like pikk, Micorsoft Support told me my only choice was to upgrade (I think Tech supports really work for marketing ;) )

Anyway, it just happened, that two weeks before this problem started I had already notified the top executives that we needed to upgrade because of some of the newer features offered by the new version of Exchange. Many of the executives are big fans of Outlook and were very supportive of the idea. So I'm sure I'll get the funds.

Well I think this is my last posting on this issue. Thank you all for you thoughts and help. I learned alot.

Outlook XP actually works?? If this is true then you just made my day! I have XP Office here and if this proves to be the fix...I'm sure I'll have no problem convincing the "powers that be" that we need to buy 50 licenses or so.

Lemme know.


Thank god, i was going batty for about a week now tearing my hair out trying to figure out how exchange got screwed up. I just ordered popcon and it seems like a neat little program. Has anyone found a cause of this yet? We're running 5.5(SP3) here on nt4sp6 machines. And the users that are affected range in operating system but all run OL2000. It seems like the workstations that weren't sharing a drive weren't affected. We also run norton corporate so i don't see it being a virus, at least hopefully not.
Hey All

Looks like Office XP is the answer. I've upgraded a few systems here with it (ones that stopped working with Outlok 2000 and Internent Mail)and the problem disappeared. So...bottom line? You can do as MS says and install IMS, with fingers crossed, or you can get yourself a copy of Outlook XP and away you go. I think the the XP route is less risky but obviously more expensive.


What about Popcon? Is anyone still running it? How is it going?
OK, I have a question about popcon and i can't get ahold of their support. For some reason the only people able to receive email through popcon are admins. anyone know what could be causing this? i get think of any permissions that would be affecting this.

I have been using POPcon to clear up this up this issue for several weeks now and things have been going smoothly. Much less expensive and time consuming than upgrading my users to XP.
I'm havin all sorts of problems with popcon. how exactly do you set it up on an nt5(sp6) box with ex 5.5?
I just followed their directions. can you be more specific re: you problems?
Popcon keeps timing out. And were exactly are the directions? All i found was a guide to setting up on Exchange 2000. How exactly is IMS supposed to be set up? Can Popcon be on the same machine as Exchange? Arrgghh. I've spent all this weekend up here with this thing. And has anyone tried their support number? It's an answering machine 24/7. Sorry, venting...feel better now.

Hi all...

I have another question that I'll put to everyone (although it's not in the same context). I've successfully cleaned up my private msg store on my Exchange 5.5 srv but now I'd like to reduce the size of my priv.edb file somehow. After elminating hundreds of megs of files it appears that my edb file was not affected. Is this normal? I would have thought it might shrink a bit.

Any ideas?

Thnx Gang!!

The Pikkster :)
pikk to reduce the size of priv.edb, you'll need to do an "offline dfrag". Thread10-551632 has more info.
Thanks jonarden!

Found the thread....

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