Computer does turn on. I've installed a new PRAM battery, swapped harddrive from a working 7200, and still now video display. Wont start up from CD or floppy (disk tools).
What next?
From what I have read about in the service manuals, it looks like I have a bad Logic board (motherboard, as PC'ers call it). I ordered a new logic board (7500) to replace it. I'll let everyone know who's interested what the outcome is. PTmon, I'm currious to what the shop said about yours. Post again when you find out.
the video on the 7200 has one meg soldered in, and can take 1 or 3 meg added
the video on the 7500 has no RAM sodered in and takes 2 or 4 meg of RAM, you almost always want 1 meg more ram in the 7500 than the 7200 I tried to remain child-like, all I acheived was childish.
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