What the heck am I doing wrong here? It seems so simple and I just can't figure it out.
I Keep gitting the "No Value Given for one or more required parameters" error.
My strSQL is "SELECT qrystCONTIG2.*, qrystCONTIG2.BEDID FROM qrystCONTIG2 WHERE (((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 33) OR ((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 34) OR ((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 35) OR ((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 36));"
This error happens when I try to open the recordset.
I've double-triple checked the field names and they are correct.
Thanks in advance for any help. I appreciate it.
I Keep gitting the "No Value Given for one or more required parameters" error.
My strSQL is "SELECT qrystCONTIG2.*, qrystCONTIG2.BEDID FROM qrystCONTIG2 WHERE (((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 33) OR ((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 34) OR ((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 35) OR ((qrystCONTIG2.BEDID) = 36));"
This error happens when I try to open the recordset.
Set rst8 = New ADODB.Recordset
rst8.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rst8.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rst8.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rst8.Open strSQL, , , , adCmdText
I've double-triple checked the field names and they are correct.
Thanks in advance for any help. I appreciate it.