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No telnet or ftp in Redhat 7.1

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Technical User
Jun 28, 2001
I recently installed Redhat 7.1 without the firewall option and get connection refused when trying to telnet or ftp into the box. I have tried all of the fixes that were listed in threads by other users. I deleted /etc/security but I do not have an /etc/ftpusers file (so I could not put a # in front of the root entry). I also do not have telnetd or ftpd in /etc/xinet.d. I created the files /etc/xinet.d/telnetd and /etc/xinet.d/ftpd added the line disable = no with no effect. I do not have the xinetd service in /etc/rc.d/init.d so I could not restart it after making changes. I simply rebooted the box. I feel that I may be missing packages. I reinstalled Redhat twice and selected all the defaults (with the exception of the firewall option.) I think that I am missing something very simple. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi TDub,
May be you do not miss anything in Red Rat 7.1
. The files cotnain the disable function of telnet and ftp may be not telnetd and ftpd. You an try to locate the followings two files at /etc/xinetd.d/ 1: telnet and 2: wu-ftpd and set the disable to "no" . Good Luck !

Thanks for the idea. The only files in /etc/xinetd.d on my box are rsync (and ftpd and telnetd which I created myself because they were missing). The only telnet file I can find on my system is the executable in /usr/bin. I can't find wu-ftpd anywhere.

Execute "netconf" and in that just select the "Allow Network access", and restart ur server. May be this will help u.

I dont use RH, so take this and see...

/etc/inetd.conf is where telnet and ftp are started, check here to see if they are commented out.

Also, check to see if you have /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files, and whats in them ...

can you telnet or ftp to localhost from the server?

do a netstat -pl and see if ftp and telnet are listening ...

just things to start troubleshooting with :)


I had one more installation of RH 7, and I have a same problem as "TDub" has.

I checked about all as suggested by others, but couldn't work, and in /etc/xinet.d dirctory contains only one file and that is too "linuxconf-web" ....!!!!!

Plese suggest me in this that, now what can be done....?


Check to make sure they're installed in the first place... as root, type:

rpm -q telnet

You should see something like:


Then type:

rpm -q wu-ftpd
"this is, of course, assuming that you're using red hat's default ftp server, wu-ftpd"

You should see something like:


If after typing either command rpm replies that a package is not installed, that's the problem.
I screwed that up...

you should be typing in:

rpm -q telnet-server


rpm -q telnet
To enable telnet, ftp, httpd, etc. in Red Hat 7.1:

1)first, make sure the packages are installed.
2)second, at a command prompt type //usr/sbin/ntsysv 235 and select all services with your space bar
3)third, restart xinetd by typing //sbin/service xinetd restart
4)restart other services with //sbin/service <service name> stop
Phlash, I verified that the packages were installed. I then selected all services. When I issued the command //sbin/service xinetd restart I received a message
xinetd: unrecognized service. I received this before when following suggestions from other forums. I rebooted to restart the services but still received connection refused when trying to ftp or telnet into my box. Could the &quot;xinetd: unrecognized service&quot; be part of the problem?

Firstly make certain you have xinetd installed - 'rpm -q xinetd'. If not install that first. The way it works (unless you change it!) is that the config file /etc/xinetd.conf essentially just says to include all the files found in the subdirectory /etc/xinetd.d/. The config files in that subdirctory are installed when you install the relevant rpms so you will not find a 'telnet' file unless you installed the telnet-server rpm, you won't find a 'wu-ftpd' file unless you installed wu-ftpd, etc, etc.

Next make sure the xinet daemon is actually set-up to run as a 'service'..

/sbin/chkconfig --list xinetd

It should say somnething like :

xinetd 0:eek:ff 1:eek:ff 2:eek:ff 3:eek:n 4:eek:n 5:eek:n 6:eek:ff

If the are all off then its not set-up properly to run in the backgound so do (as root) :

/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 xinetd on

(reddo the --list to confirm )

If you want to start it without at reboot do :

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd start

You can also do

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd status

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart

or the redhat commands should also work :

/sbin/service/xinetd status


For specific services - many of them ship with config files on the rpm (e.g. telnet) that have the service disabled by default. To activate it you have to edit the config and change the 'disable=yes' to 'disable=no' - e.g. .etc/xinetd.d/telnet for telnet; /etc/xinted.d/wu-ftpd for the wu ftp daemon. Then restart the xinetd daemon and all should be well !

Hope this is a bit clearer

Rgds, Iain

I found that xinetd was not installed on my system. I attempted to install from the 2nd Redhat CD by mounting the CDROM and typing rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/SRPMS/xinetd- The system then began reading the CD and the status bar indicated completion. I then ran rpm -q inetd-2.1.8pre14-6.src.rpm and received a reponse that the package was not installed. I then cd /mnt/cdrom/SRPMS and tried the install and nothing happened. I also tried the command rpm -Uvh /SRPMS/xinetd.... and received no response from the system. I even tried going into the GUI, right-clicked on the package, selected install and nothing happened. One last check of rpm -q xinetd... indicated the package was still not installed. Does anyone have any ideas?
I was able to install xinetd by performing an upgrade to my system and selecting the xinetd package. This only took a few minutes. It appears that xinetd is not installed by default as part of the Redhat 7.1 workstation install. I am now able to telnet and ftp into my box. Thanks for all of the suggestions.
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