How do I make the website pages "no print" secure? I do not mean the "no right click" for images and source code. And is the no print code compatible with the no right click code?
I'm assuming that you mean that you don't want people to be able to print the web page.
Simple answer is, you don't. There might be some code you could use to stop people from printing in IE on windows, but people using Netscape on windows probably wouldn't be effected. Not to mention Opera, firefox, mozilla, etc. And odds are it wouldn't effect anything on the Mac or Linux.
--Anything is possible. All it takes is a little research. (Me)
You can get many solutions to stop right click on a web page from the internet for free. All are working fine. But what if the user is not bothered the right click menu and uses the FileMenu for printing and ViewMenu to see SourceCode etc...?
You can also find a lot of debates in the forum215 (HTML, XHTML & CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Forum) about this..
Zameer Abdulla Jack of Visual Basic Programming, Master in Dining & Sleeping Visit Me
I understand now.. once something is on the net there is basically some "fixes" to make it harder to copy or plagerize pictures which I did know about, but nothing that can be done to really STOP it. I asked cause I have a client who has copyrighted celebrity pictures and people are taking them. Don't seem right, but I guess as a programmer, I cannot do anything about it, I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks to everyone who replied.
I have seen many sites that shows pictures with their own sitename or something like that at the backgorund.. So even if copy the pictures you can't use it for any other purpose.
There was a thread in these forums with same subject, few month back
Zameer Abdulla Jack of Visual Basic Programming, Master in Dining & Sleeping Visit Me
They can put a watermark over the top of the pictures. Porfessional photography studios often put PROOF on top of their photos so that the buyer must buy if he wants a clean copy.
>They can put a watermark over the top of the pictures. Porfessional photography studios often put PROOF on top of their photos so that the buyer must buy if he wants a clean copy.
A while ago, I detected unusually high traffic to my commercial web site. I discovered that some people were either copying my artwork or linking their pages directly to my site (in order to make use of my material).
I quickly watermarked my artwork, using my own website address as part of the watermark -- turning the illegal link into an advertisement for my website. You should have seen the scramble to cut all (illegal) links to my site. I even got a call from one of the pirates asking for me to help him disconnect from my (now useless to him) artwork.
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