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No IOS through console...help!!!

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Technical User
Jul 8, 2003
I have recently aquired a Cisco 2900 catalyst XL Switch....
It works, but I would like to reconfigure it as I see fit.
The problem is, I cant get anything to show up in hyperterminal......I'm connected through my serial (com1), to the adapter, to the rollover cable, to the console port on the switch...and nothing happens. I have tryed just about every possible setting combination in hyperterminal.
Is it possible that the business that had it before me disabled the console port? Is this possible? If it is, how then can I access the switch? (I dont know the ip). Or could the IOS be erased? But if that was that case then wouldn't the switch not work at all?
Any help is greatly appreciated...
Firstly, make dead sure you are using the right com port on your PC, then check your hyperterminal settings. SHould be

9600 baud
8 data bits
no parity
1 Stop bit
No flow control [Hardware seems to work OK to]

Also check your rollover cable is OK - have you another switch / router you can test connection to?

I am not aware that you can disable the console port, although you can password protect it.


see thread 557-595156 in the Cisco router forum.

If your switch has a different data rate set on the console port to that used by the PC you have connected to it you can get garbage displayed, or nothing at all.

Well I have tried every data rate setting in hyperterminal...and I know the default settings...they dont work...and I know I'm using the right com port...but I tried every com port just to be safe and niether worked.
I havent checked the rollover cable.....it doesnt look damaged but I will see if I can get another one and try it.....but I'm pretty sure it works....I've also tried using about 4 different computers....so the computer is not the problem...and 2 differnt adapters...but I am sure I have tried every setting in hyperterminal.....
I suppose it is possible that the console port is either damaged or faulty?

Do you know if the switch ever had a management IP address, if so connect a pc to it and use telnet. Or is there an AUI port you could stick a modem on or something and dial in???

Hi there
first of all ,
1.when you boot up the switch the lights on the front will go though their self test sequence once this is done you should only be left with the system and status lights on.

2. even if the IOS is corrupt or not there you shuld still see , assuming the cabling is correct , the initial bootstrap text come up.

3. If the device has a management IP adddress configured on it a possible way to find it is to use CDP, but this can only be done if you have another recent cisco device ( router or switch)
To do this 1. connect your switch to the other cisco device with a RJ45 cable via any port on the front of the switch.Use a stright cable if your connecting from a router or a cross-over cable if you connecting to another switch.2. wait for a few minits then type
show cdp neighbors detail
if cdp is enabled on both devices and the ports you use are both enabled you should get somthing similar to below
1601#sh cdp neighbors detail
Device ID: ^[00C01D812142
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: cisco 1900, Capabilities: Trans-Bridge Switch
Interface: Ethernet0, Port ID (outgoing port): 4
Holdtime : 169 sec

Version :

This should give you the IP address

Well, I dont know if it ever had an ip address or not.....I dont have access to any other cisco switches or routers....is there any way I can find the ip address from a computer hooked up to it?
All of the lights come on....and go through there ususal cycle....no warning lights come on......so the hardware is fine.....if I try and do a password recovery, the lights goto all orange like they are supposed to....so I guess that would mean the software is doing something......and no, I dont get anything....not even when it first comes on....not one letter...
My be the previous owner followed this sites ( advice:

Is there any way to keep someone from plugging in aconsole port and using password recovery procedure toget into a router? For instance if you have a router or switch at a remote site and someone decides they want to alter your config etc. what could stop them? (be sides a huge padlock ?)

Not a problem...find your nearest router with an ISDN BRI, or even better,PRI port. Boot this router up, and enable the ISDN port. Insert one end of an RJ-45 cable into this ISDN, making sure the other end is FAR away from your switches. Then go around your rack of routers you would like to secure, and carefully insert the other end of the RJ-45 cable into the appropriate router's console port. Please note to pay attention to not ignore the happenings, as there may be a little smoke, and the RJ45 cable may warm up quickly. If this occurs, quickly power off the ISDN router, and if required, apply fire extinguisher...Voila.. permanently secure console port. Of course, please reference your service contract with Cisco Systems prior to applying this procedure, to see something about maliscious misconduct effecting your warranty.---------This is a comical reply. Don't try this at home, kids. We are highly trained professionals.


"Tis better to die on your feet than live on your knees!"
Well, I suppose if they did this to my switch that there would be some type of burn mark on the console port, which there isnt...it looks fine...
Try connecting to your device with another terminal program, like Tera Term Pro. I have seen instances where I could not connect to a cisco device with Hyperterminal, I used TT Pro and it worked fine....I don't know what caused Hyperterminal not to work - so if you find out make sure you post it.
I believe that Hyperterminal usualy experiences problems when running under WinNT

Well actually I use win98 on my laptop to connect to it....but yes, I have heard of hyperterminal being bad in win2000/NT...

Also got the same problem with the same type switch (WS-C2924-XL-EN).. i tought it would be our homemade cable... but it seems more owners have the same problem so it isn't the cable.. (so my posted topic is off topic)..

I also used win Xp , 2000 and Me (hyper terminal & Tera term) nothing worked (and i'm not familiar with minicom under linux)

my IOS version is (XP??) (aquired using a sniffer) (is yours the same??) i'll keep trying.. but i just want to tell you're not the only one having problems...

I'll let you know when i found out something...

and what does that mode+power off thing do?? does it resets the config to default or erases it the IOS?

Greetz OuTRagE..
No...actually the mode+power thing is a way to bypass the password set on the switch....so its a password recovery option....you turn off the switch....push and hold in the mode button and turn on the switch with the mode button still pushed in....you can release the mode button after the light over port 2 goes off(its all on the cisco website somewhere)....but anyway, its good to know I'm not the only one having problems with it.....I've pretty much givin up all hope and havent messed with it in a while....
netintern, I assume you have the origional (correct) cisco cables to connect to your console .. could you give me the pinout from the RJ-45 (switch side) to DB9 (computer input)... so i'm able to reproduce the cable to make sure i'm working with the right equipment ?

(most of the times i'm unclear so this may help)

This one (A) This one (B)
{terminal} <> [DB-9 (A)]----------[DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter] <> [RJ-45]----rollover-----[RJ45 (B)] <> {switch}

I want to know which pin in (A) is the output in (B)'

the manual for this switch can be found at:

this might be helpful fore some things... (this link starts at the terminal connection ... here you can find also the schemes i've used)

thnx in advance (and i hope can find out the problem soon)
A rollover cable is actually easy to make.....one end is pin 1 through pin 8......the other is pin 8 through pin 1....so, all it is is one end is the exact opposite of the other end.....
I know (i wasn't clear enough).. cisco provided the schemes(see the link), but i generated an &quot;all in one&quot; cable (rollover & DB-9 in one).. but maybe i made a fault.. thats why I wanted to know how your pinout was...

the scheme:
Rollover RJ-45 to DB9 OWN Generated All in one
Signal RJ-45 RJ-45 DB-9 Signal
RTS 1 8 8 CTS 7
Not con 2 7 6 DSR 4
TxD 3 6 2 RxD 3
GND 4 5 5 GND 5
GND 5 4 5 GND 5
RxD 6 3 3 TxD 2
Not con 7 2 4 DTR 6
CTS 8 1 7 RTS 8

(example: 1 becomes 8 (rollover), pin 8 becomes in the RJ-45 - Db-9 adapter pin 7 so i have to connect pin 1 to Db-9 pin 7 )

so I assume the pinout would be
RJ-45 - DB-9
1 - 7
2 - 4
3 - 3
4 - 5
5 - 5
6 - 2
7 - 6
8 - 8

is this correct according to the origional cisco cable + db-9 adapter?

Greetings OuTRagE..
My cable problem is solved... (using 1-8,2-6,3-2,4-5,5-5,6-3,7-4,8-7)

My experience is you have to make a &quot;connection&quot; first and then you have to power up the switch (I made the fault while trying the alternate pinout)

after that you should see some stuff in the screen.. and when it's readable you've got the right baud rate ...

I hope this little thing will solve your problem too...

Good luck!

greetz OuTragE
Actually, you shouldnt have to make a connection first before powering up a Cisco device. You should be able to connect to it while it is hot. But hey, as long as it works Outrage.

I have one suggestion for netintern that hasnt been mentioned yet, because it is often overlooked. I never experienced this problem with Cisco before, but I have come across times where I had to reboot my computer (both 98 and NT) in order to console in to certain devices. Your problem (no hyperterminal response whatsoever) is consistent with this scenario. If you still can not get in netintern, simply just reboot the computer you are attempting to console with. People usually dont associate rebooting the PC with problems consoling in to a device, but Ive had the same exact problems you are having right now - and they all went away with a simple restart.
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