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No internet access...

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Jun 12, 2000
I have a LAN set up in one of my company's areas (about 20 stations and a server); it has no outside access whatsoever, but recently the head of that particular department requested internet access, so some other guys came in, set up a cable running about 50 feet to an outside hub with internet access; they set up the TCP/IP addresses and what not, but they had problems connecting to the internet with the boss' PC, they said the NIC was defective, but that can't be since it was working erfectly with my LAN. I tested the computer's internet access thru another hub and it worked fine, so that tells me that the PC and NIC are both in working order. I thought it was the cable but these guys tested it with a laptop and it also worked. So what's next? PC fine, NIC fine, Cable fine, what is it then?
Try changing the port that the cable is connected to on the hub. It happens from time to time that a port can go bad.<br><br>How exactly is this network setup? do you have a router? <br> <p> fenris<br><a href=mailto:fenris@hotmail.com>fenris@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
The problem is that we function as separate departments, we do all the hardware and software development, including setting up pc's, lan's&nbsp;&nbsp;and so on, and the other guys do everything related to internet access including, cabling, addressing, hubs, routers, gateways, all that stuff; so i don't really know if they have a router, or what kind is it, what kind of hubs, or anything related for that matter.<br><br>My LAN has an NT server with approx. 15 PC with Win95-98, connecting thru 3 cascading Kingston hubs. But all this doesn't matter since I only connected 1 PC to the oustide cable that doesn't seem to work. My LAN is working perfectly.<br>Thanks.
Is the segment that the internet access on going thur is it a proxy? if so you need to find out what the proxy's IP is and set it up in the browsers options under connections / proxy. once this is done you should see the outside world <br>if not the keys in the regisrty may have been taken out when the image was made. This is done at larger companies to prevent access.
Are you saying that you connected that cable directly into the Boss's PC or into a hub? If they are coming straight out of a multiport router the wiring config would be different depending on the type of device it is connecting to. <p>Al<br><a href=mailto: atc-computing@home.com> atc-computing@home.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
diz may seem ov-E-us, but is yer bosses computer set to tranzmit TCP/IP?&nbsp;&nbsp;I might first check to see what transsport layer 4 protocol is on yer bosse'z computa
To add onto skoobe's idea, you might also want to check if his internet connection is through a router.&nbsp;&nbsp;If so, your boss' PC needs to know what the IP Address of the gateway is.
Some NIC and network device manufacturers' products don't handshake too well, could this be a mismatch? is their hub/switch manageable? does it report any errors on that port? did you try changing its port as Fenris suggested?
Particularly, Kinston NICs are known for this? you could try a different NIC but that doesn't necessarily make this one duff! Is your NIC configurable? is it autosensing, and is the hub/switch? because that is where they fall over, one thinks its going to talk 10mbps half-duplex and the other 100mbps at full! for example. Hard set them to the same.
Am I right in saying then that this PC acts solely as part of their network without connection to yours? and there can therefore be no rights issues?
You could physically pick it up and walk it thru to their office and swap it for one of their working internet PCs. This could take location of the equation.
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