Can someone help me understand what kind of CO trunk I am dealing with?
I am surveying a school's trunk lines (going to their phone system) and found a group of numbers that have no dial tone at the demarc. However, these trunks ring the phone system when I call them and I can hear them ring my test set if I keep it in monitor mode while calling. All 6 trunks go to the pbx.
These lines are listed on the school's bill as if they are some type of PRI (according to the lady who looked at the bill), but they are broken out into 6 individuals pairs and come from the telco block individually.
My CO knowledge is pretty poor so I'm not sure exactly what type of trunks these are. Anyone who can enlighten me on this would be greatly appreciated.
Also, it IS possible to call out on these trunks by dialing through the phone system, i.e. picking up line 1 on a handset. I can't get dialtone with my test set at the demarc but I can with an extension. ??