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No CD-rom in windows 98 HELP !!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Technical User
Feb 12, 2002
When I started windows 98, I suddenly didn't have a cd-rom player any more. Nowhere, not in "my computer", control panel.
But I still have it in bios. All i did before this happened, was installing detonator drivers for my geforce. But I don't think that can be the problem.

Were you installing the drivers because you'd just fitted the geforce card? If so, then you need to open your PC up again & check all the cables :)

Next, does the CD-ROM power up? Try putting in a CD & see if it spins.

Any messages while booting up? You should see something flash past showing the CD (& IDE disks) has been picked up.

Check in Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Device Manager & look for any errors.

If all seems OK, try Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add new hardware
Let windows search & see if it picks up your CD.

HTH One by one, the penguins steal my sanity. X-)

Dont worry !! Its not terminal !!

Run the 'add new hardware wizard' - and it should be there !!

Obviously make sure all ur connectors IDE/SCSI cables are secure. It happens occaisionally under win98 when u change the configuration settings.... T3/\/\p()
tek-tips regular.
I did check the cables, there were all fine. And in the device manager it was all good to, no errors. When I boot, I see bios detects my cdrom, I can even boot from it.

But when I do the new hardware wizzard, win98 doesnt find my cdrom, when i have to install it manually, the only thing i can istall is a cdrom controller not just cdrom, is this the one i should install?

I don't know what type of cdrom i have........THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY

Make sure that you have the drivers installed for the IDE channals. You may have to reinstall them in order for Windows to see it. Also, check your device manager to make sure that everything else is installed properly. I recently had a case where the wrong video driver messed everything up. When I installed the right driver, Windows saw and installed everything ok, INCLUDING my cd!


Right-click My Computer and choose properties. Go to the Performance tab and make sure it doesn't say that any drives are using "MS-DOS Compatibility". If it does, then fpeter3 hit the nail on the head. It's most likely something wrong with your IDE controllers in Device Manager. If you go to the Device Manager tab and don't see any flags (! or X) next to the IDE controllers, then you'll need to post back with additional info:

- motherboard model
- CPU type

--> If it's a VIA chipset, then I'm willing to bet you haven't installed the latest VIA 4-in-1 drivers. I don't want to jump the gun on this one just yet, though. Let's take it one step at a time...
The quickest and easiest way to find out if it is hardware is to boot to your windows 98 Startup floppy disk and select Boot with CD-ROM support. type the drive letter for the cdrom then a : (colon). at the new prompt type dir and press enter. this will list contents of the cdrom drive. If there are hardware problems, you'll usually get a CDR-101 error. Though, this error can also be caused by a bad cd. Good Luck. hg
It is quite common for the CDROM driver to not work when rebooting when installing software. Often you have to shutdown the computer and when you turn it back on it will reinstall itself. The CDROM driver is usually in the autoexec.bat file, but it requires another driver in config.sys to work properly. Often games rewrite the autoexec.bat file. Usually they make a copy of the autoexec.bat file when they do. It is in the C:\ directory and may be a hidden file. You have to go to view options and select to display all hidden files to see it sometimes. Both files can be edited with notepad. If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
Excuse my reply post as I'm fairly new to this game, but I have the same problem. If I should have posted it differently, please let me know.

This just happened with the last 2 weeks. I got a notification that my drives were operating in DOS compatibility mode. Device manager does show that my hard drives are in "DOS compatability mode" and it shows yellow circles with a "!" in it.

I have Win98 SE running.

I have a 20 and 30gig Maxtor drive on the primary controller.

My primary and secondary controller are beimg reported as "Primary Ultra ATA Controller" and "Secondary Ultra ATA Controller". I was able to change the Master controller to what it was originally "Intel 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller". I was unable to change the primary/secondary controller to their original state "Primary IDE controller dual fifo)" and "Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)".

I have no access to my TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1212 [CD-ROM drive] or my HP CD-Writer+ 9100 [CD-ROM drive] except thru the "WIN98 startup diskette".

Unfortunately I'm knowledgeable enough to get into trouble, but am unsure how to load the proper "drivers?" to allow the system to access them. If I try to change the drivers in Device Manager I don't get anything that resembles "Primary IDE controller dual fifo)" and "Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)".

I have run the latest virus protection against all files and boot sector on the hard files with no hits.

Do I have to format and start from scratch?

By the way my system is functional (hard drives (2) do work (although slowly), floppy works, scanner works, USB works, printer works). I can and I was able to backup all my data onto my D drive. I also still have, obviously from this post, access to the net.

I sure do miss my CD-ROMs.

Try starting up in Safe Mode, go to Device Manager & delete your IDE controllers. When you reboot, windows should detect them & install the drivers. Your CD's should (hopefully!) re-appear. One by one, the penguins steal my sanity. X-)

I tried your suggestion ayjaycee and unfortunately it didn't work. I have a site that has some screen captures most of the process. Don't know if it helps or hinders:

I don't know if the failure of the system to allow me to remove the pri/sec controllers was normal or not, but it seemed suspicious to me.

I did run "SFC (system file checker) when it failed and found that 2 files were deemed to be corrupt (user.exe and setupx.dll). I renamed them and using win98 startup diskette was able to copy them from my win98 CD to the hardfile. When I booted up the system it went to "safe mode" and when I said go it just cycled to almost up to windows safe mode back to reboot continuously. I used the win98 startup diskette to reload the supposed corrupted files. Everything went back to the original problem.

I looked at Bootlog.txt and these are the items that failed to load:
-LoadFailed = ndis2sup.vxd
-Init Failure mtmminip.mpd
-LoadFail = ²£`I___.TTF Failure code is 0002
-Init Failure intelata.mpd
-Init Failure intelata.mpd (2nd occurance)

I am lost.. Any more ideas?
The first two lines you posted about are probably normal. Check this MS article for more info:

I'd be more suspicious of the line with mtmminip.mpd. This is a Mitsumi driver usually used for a CDROM or Floppy drive. Since it's failing to load, it may be causing your entire system to use "MS-DOS Compatibility Mode". Perhaps it's missing or corrupted. You may want to search on google for more info. Also, you can go to the following site to download the driver. Be sure to save a copy of the old one before replacing it with the downloaded copy, if it's on your system.

Ithink this is not a big problem as i concern.Sometimes it happens when u install some new programmes .If u r sure that u didn't change the cables,we can correct it by using a cdrom installation disk.Start the computer with 98 start up disk and start without cdrom support.And using the cdrom installation disk,try to install the cdrom again.normally the command will be install.exe.after that u restart the computer .At the time of starting it will show u the details of cdrom(company&speed)and by god's grace i think it will work.And if u don't have the diskette ,i will send it for u or contact study77@hotmail.com for further advise.good luck
Win98 and cdrom drives- constant problems!!! bobtektip, you don't say what type of machine you're running but if you go to your manufaturers website, you can normally download an Intel Chipset Update for Windows 98. This is usually excellent at solving these problems. Once you run the chipset update you must restart windows and all your system devices are redetected like when you install Win98. Running the chipset update does not affect any of your software. This should detect your IDE channels properly and get your Hard drives running properly again. If your system is using "MS-DOS Compatibility Mode" then it is more than likely running very slow.
You should checkout and see if you can search for your CDrom problem. I've incudeded a link here that tells you haw to load real made cdrom drivers this may help.

Also those errors you listed deal with a network card (NDIS2) failure which is not important and *.mpd - mini port driver - failures. The mini port driver is normally used to run SCSI devices and since it failed then maybe both your dvd drive and cdrom drive are SCSI devices. If the intel chipset update does not get these devices working you may need to gat the latest driver on the manufacturers website.

lety me know if anything helped
The PC I'm having trouble with is a Dell Dimension XPS T500. I've got 512 RAM, 2 hard drives (20,30), dvd/dcrom, cd/cdw.

I'm not sure I did it properly, but I downloaded and installed the chipset for my PC with no change in the problem. It was the only chipset in the download area for my PC: It was "DTC 1138/1138D PCI Parallel Express Driver (v1.1) for DOS".

I know the system is either running into a corrupted driver or can't find the correct driver, but I don't know how to find out. I get no error messages.

The problem of running in DOS Compatibility mode is caused by a virus or bad/missing drivers. The CDs are not available when you are running in DOS Compatibility mode.

I'm not sure if its the hard drive, cd's, another device causing the problem that makes it run in DOS Compatibility mode.

It was suggested before that mtmminip.mpd might be the problem because a bootlog entry said it didn't load, but after downloading a new driver and installing it in place of the original the problem was still there.

There must be a way to detect exactly whats going on and point to the bad/missing driver!!!

By the way device manage does now show the correct entries of:
-Intel 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
-Primary IDE controller (dual fifo)
-Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)

I haven't given up yet, but its getting close to that time. I sure could use a wizard to get me back operational.

If there are any other tidbits of information that might put some light on what the problem is, let me know and I'll post it.
The PC that's having the problem is a Dell Dimension T500 with 512GB Ram, 2 hard files, DVD/CDrom, CD/CDW, Scanner, printer, etc.

I downloaded the chipset for my PC and the problem remained. I downloaded and installed "DTC 1138/1138D PCI Parallel Express Driver (v1.1) for DOS". Since it was the only chipset on the list I'm assuming its the correct one.

Device Manager now shows the correct Master controller to what it was originally "Intel 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller". The primary and seconddary controllers are now back to original as: "Primary IDE controller dual fifo)" and "Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)".

The master controller in device manager is working properly. The Primary/Secondary IDE Controllers show yellow circles with an"!" in it. Properties show that "This device is either not present, not working properly, or does not have all the drivers installed (Code 10)."

I have what looks like 2 drivers in my Primary/Secondary controllers: C:\windows\system\iosubsys\esdi_506.pdr (which is highlighted) and c:\windows\system\vmm32\ios.vxd. I have reloaded them from my win98 inst diskette.

It was recommended , because my boolog file showed a failure to load of mtmminip.mpd, to download a clean file. I did so , but the problem did not go away.

I am at a standstill as I don't know where to go next. If I can post other information that will shine some light on what the problem is let me know, I obviously will be more that happy to do that.

I'm getting close to being very frustrated and could use a WIZARD to lead me out of this problem.

By the way, thanks to all that have tried to help so far, I really do appreciate it.
I check bootlog and found that "edsi_506.pdr" failed to load. Thats why I'm failing, but whats the fix. Is there a way to tell whats missing corrupted?

[000EDFAC] Initing esdi_506.pdr
[000EDFAD] Init Failure esdi_506.pdr
[000EDFAD] Initing esdi_506.pdr
[000EDFAD] Init Failure esdi_506.pdr
Thank goodness, my PC has been healed. Thanks to a Microsoft article that I had looked at, but failed to read it all until this morning (maybe I was more rested after a good nights sleep or just more desperate).

Troubleshooting MS-DOS Compatibility Mode on Hard Disks (Q130179)

It was under:
d. Check for the NOIDE value in the registry under:
The NOIDE value is placed in the registry when the protected-mode driver for the IDE Controller is not properly initialized.

For additional information about how to troubleshoot NOIDE, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q151911 MS-DOS Compatibility Mode Problems with PCI IDE Controllers

It had me delete the NOIDE value and reboot. I did have a scare when the reboot failed before even recognizing my hard files or CDs. The second reboot did the same. I was at a stage where my only choice was to fdisk, etc, but I tried rebooting two more times and it finally came up on the 4th reboot (WHEW!!).It came up normal. I got my CDs, etc all back. Its good to up and running full speed again.

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