I have a BCM 400 running 3.7 and I have a strange issue.
I have a DID number xxx-xxx1 that is set up as a route to another DID that I have xxx-xxx2. The second DID is an analog port on the system. In unified manager it shows up as Port 0227 and Inactive. This line is hooked up to a fax card in a computer.
If someone calls in to send a fax, everything works fine. The issue is that if a second call comes in while the line is being used, there is just dead silence. No busy, no nothing.
I think that may have something to do with the dn being listed as inactive. I have searched the forum and everyone says that the phone has to be plugged in. My fax line is plugged in and receiving faxes.
Does anyone have any ideas? I am going to double check my wiring, but it would appear it is ok as the fax card is answering the calls.
I really appreciate all the advice and time that you guys give. Thanks
I have a DID number xxx-xxx1 that is set up as a route to another DID that I have xxx-xxx2. The second DID is an analog port on the system. In unified manager it shows up as Port 0227 and Inactive. This line is hooked up to a fax card in a computer.
If someone calls in to send a fax, everything works fine. The issue is that if a second call comes in while the line is being used, there is just dead silence. No busy, no nothing.
I think that may have something to do with the dn being listed as inactive. I have searched the forum and everyone says that the phone has to be plugged in. My fax line is plugged in and receiving faxes.
Does anyone have any ideas? I am going to double check my wiring, but it would appear it is ok as the fax card is answering the calls.
I really appreciate all the advice and time that you guys give. Thanks