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no beep at boot time, motherboard?

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Technical User
Jan 23, 2004
hi i am runnig Millenium edition on a pc pc and it wont boot. there is no beep on boot up,which there was previously and literally nothing displayed on the monitor, its as if its off. It is not off however and i have tested it ok with another pc. There is power to the hard drive and the cpu fan spins up. power light button comes on and hard drive light eluminates as it shuld. Also ram is seated fine and has not been changed recently. i think this is probably the motherboard but i dont know. does anyone have any suggestions? thanks in advance.
hello all thanks for your patience, heres the deal.
still unable to get into bios. Tried to boot with just cpu motherboard and vga card. First time i tried this i got to the Pac bell screen then 1 beep then the begining of a bios startup screen as mentioned before. As stated previously there was a message that said bad cmos checksum. i was pressing escape at this time to access bios - screen went blanck as before.
I then tried to boot with onboard graphics (ie removing vga card) and problem returned to initial blanck screeen, no beep and no boot, nothing. I have reset battery, and tried on numerous occasions to replicate packard bell screen. still no luck. Have not tried a different graphics card yet. Have i ruled anything out yet, or are we pointing at the motherboard again?
Because of the time delay, and because we dont know your system and where you are can i suggest:

tell us what kind of system you have. I think i mentioned that i think it may be an older packard bell pentium 2 system, is that so? Affects the bios and re-seating the bios, is why i ask.

What is hooked up, what is not.

After that, we can help you, but people are posting do this and do that, need to start at the beginning here.
Once we know what is hooked up and what isnt, then we can try to get the bios to start up, and likely we can. Not always, but likely.
Because of the time delay, and because we dont know your system and where you are can i suggest:

tell us what kind of system you have. I think i mentioned that i think it may be an older packard bell pentium 2 system, is that so? Affects the bios and re-seating the bios, is why i ask.

What is hooked up, what is not?

After that, we can help you, but people are posting do this and do that, need to start at the beginning here.
Once we know what is hooked up and what isnt, then we can try to get the bios to start up, and likely we can. Not always, but likely.
hello there been a while since i posted on this topci cos it was driving me nuts but heres some updates. to recap the situation, pc wasnt booting at all nothing on the screen as if the monitor wasnt working but iknow that it was a good monitor. no beeps at boot time, nothing, couldnt get into bios. tried booting with only otheboard and graphics card stillnothing. very occasionally i would get the start of a packard bell screen but then the monitor would blank out again. when i got as far as this i would occasionally get a bad cmos ckecksum error message.

1)replaced cmos battery- no change - problem persists
2)replaced with pci graphics card, pc would boot but couldnt seee anything on monuitor but as coulkdnt see anything onmonitor could not get into bios to change this to pci card.
3)replaced ewith new agp graphics card and pc would boot hooray ( as i understand it pc would reviously not get past POST as graphics card wasnt working)windowsME loaded the first time but as i hadnt yet installedthe driver the display was very poor. i have now installed the driver and the pc promptedfor a reboot, but when this happened i got the error meassage "pleasewait while setup updates your configuration files" after a feww momments
"windows could not upgrade the file %1 from %2 %1:%2" this smessage would continue in perpetuity if i let it. ihave thought about a scanreg restore or fix but was not sure if this would do anything, ican get into the bios at will now, but the only options i have for graphics adater are pci or agp, there does not appear ot be a on board option.any thoughts or comment would be helpfull.
do you still need help here?
Sorry i didnt answer you last time.
hi just thought id update this in case anyone else has same prob. Purchased another AGP graphics card and pc would boot but very patchy graphic display. Had already formatted HDD at this point tried to reload O/S. This kinda worked but always failed at video driver install, and O/S hung.Put in pci graphics card and the problem was resolved reloaded o/S and now working. So a combo of Video card and AGP slot. Thanks for everyone that helped me on this.

How much memory do you have? This might have something to do with the issue of the new graphic card,

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