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NIS installation problem?

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Apr 15, 2002
When I use ypinit and it goes to make the maps it gives several errors of *** Error code 9. It's doing this on everything EXCEPT ypservers and passwd maps. These make just find and the clients see the correct passwd file but not the hosts, group, or just about everything else. I've gone through the o'rileys book NFS / NIS and followed the instructions in it to a tee.

I've also tried 'make passwd' and that works just find to push changes to the slave and clients. However, when I try 'make hosts' or 'make group' etc it gives errors about hosts.time file. I've tried to touch /etc/hosts and that didn't work.

What am I doing wrong???

Regards, Brian

Read through your Makefile under /var/yp and find out where it is lookgin for the hosts and group files ?

Look for PWDIR, YPDIR, YPDBDIR, ALIASES under Makefile.

I've verified that DIR =/etc

and this is what is used here in the hosts. I have verified that STDHOSTS outputs a hosts file when it's run manually. I don't know how to troubleshoot the awk command to see if that is where its failing.

hosts.time: $(DIR)/hosts
@($(MULTI) $(B) -l $(DIR)/hosts);
@($(STDHOSTS) $(DIR)/hosts $(CHKPIPE))| (awk 'BEGIN { OFS="\t"; } $$1 !~ /^#/ { print $$1, $$0 }' $(CHKPIPE)) | $(MAKEDBM) $(B) - $(YPDBDIR)/$(DOM)/hosts.byaddr;
@touch hosts.time;
@echo "updated hosts";
@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOM) hosts.byname; fi
@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then $(YPPUSH) -d $(DOM) hosts.byaddr; fi
@if [ ! $(NOPUSH) ]; then echo "pushed hosts"; fi

I ran into a very similar problem a few months back. I could be misreading your question, but have you checked into the /var/yp directory for a file called securenets? There's a man page if you have further questions. Also, you might want to look through you /etc/nsswitch.conf file. I've found that file to the root of my problems more than once. If you have further questions on this post me and I'll see if there is anything else I can do to help.

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