I see that many are having problems with all/most versions of NAV/NIS, some similar to mine, but none exactly alike. I've had it less than three months and spent more hours than I can count just trying to get the system running after Norton corrupts it. It seemed to install satisfactorily, but when I couldn't import my address book into Netscape and was told that only worked with OUtlook, tried and found that OUtlook wouldn't open. It went into a loop with NIS. Then I found that Automatic Live Update was not running. I was told by Tech support (email) to uninstall and reinstall, clean boot. Did that. No help. I tried running it manually and it wouldn't run, broke off mid-way. Annoyance made me run it two more times in succession and it finally ran, updating for two hours , much software as well as defs. This cleared up the Outlook problem and also some problems with other sites that were being partially blocked. It seems the retail CD is very buggy. Yet whatever the problem, tech support wants you to uninstall and reinstall to the buggy version. The current and continuing problem is that about every two-three days after I've downloaded the latest virus defs, Norton disables itself (sometimes I can't open it from desktop icon or start>program file & it removes itself from the tray), other times if I can open the window, all options are disabled, it locks me out as supervisor so that I can't access or change any options, and launches the dial-up network connection window in a way I have been unable to locate and prevent, except for deleting the settings.liveupdate files and then resetting to interactive live update. (I've studied manuals, gone into the Startup, Win.ini, etc. I'm running out of patience and time to do any more digging.) Sometimes an "internal program error discovered, uninstall and reinstall" message appears; if I try to run Liveupdate in this condition, an LU1814 message appears. Techs may respond after lengthy delays with inane questions that I now consider are simply stalling moves and either no advice except "uninst/reinstall" or "read knowl. base art.which doesn't work/not relevant. Are they perhaps sitting in Southeast Asia with no knowledge of the product? From reading some of the posts here, I'm more convinced than ever.I had heard that Norton AV products were so good and I'm really disappointed. This is clearly a Beta product, if that. Can anyone suggest a good antivirus and firewall for home use? (My previous experience with McAfee was also not good.) Thanks for any suggestions.