Customer has part time employees that work at th esame desk as the full time agents. These PT employees need their own MB but need to have these exts. transferred to them while they work at night and then take messages during the day.
I was going to set up virtual MB exts. in the 300 series then when the nigh employees come in have them CF these virtual exts. to exts. with telesets connect to them.
The question is can this be done if they do not have an ext. to program CF from can they program these virtual exts. and CF them from other Exts. for example. Can ext. 201 ( real ext. set ) CF ext. 301 ( virtual ext. ) for that virtual ext.? Lets say we want to CF virtual 301 to real ext. 222?
I was going to set up virtual MB exts. in the 300 series then when the nigh employees come in have them CF these virtual exts. to exts. with telesets connect to them.
The question is can this be done if they do not have an ext. to program CF from can they program these virtual exts. and CF them from other Exts. for example. Can ext. 201 ( real ext. set ) CF ext. 301 ( virtual ext. ) for that virtual ext.? Lets say we want to CF virtual 301 to real ext. 222?