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Night Service Problem

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Jan 2, 2010
I programmed NIGHT at 7:00pm M-F and all day on SA-SU this has been working on AUTO for several months. Now all of a sudden the customer reports that the AUTO feature is no longer picking up calls on the AA at EXT-200 starting at 7pm each night and stopping again at 8am each morning.

I rebooted but it still does not work. The delays ring is still answering after 6 rings.

Any suggestions.
It happened to me check the date and year on the phone system.
I did not adjust the year and it through things off.
Funny you mentioned that. For testing I tried to change the clock to 6:59pm and wait for 1 min. to see what would happen. The clock just switched back to the current time all by itself. I tried it several times. I even rebooted the entire system.

I am curious, how can the year change things? What did you do to correct this?

Time and date on the phone system. Wrong year changes all the days one year a date might be friday and another year it is a sunday plus leap years. You probably got the clock to switch back from the caller id information. I do not think the caller id carries the year information.
I checked the time and date and they are all correct.

Would mind going over the procedure for setting up this to starting answering at 7p on ext-200 and stop answering at 8am M-F and answer all day on SA-SU.

I will stop by tomorrow and double check my programming.

You might want to check the greeting to play in the time and date in the voice mail. Is 200 your main voice mail extension? Feature 985 to check.
Check F982 (Operator status) to make sure someone didn't over ride the systems answering....
I am on my way there now. I cant find the thread that gives step by step set up directions. do you gave that? I want to double check my programming
I may have fixed the problem. I reentered the times for MO-FR a minute earlier and it seems to have started working again. I will try it tonight at 7pm.

What is the best way to set up the schedule for the weekend SA-SU when the office will be closed all day and night.

For example this office is open from 8am to 7pm MO-FR. Closed from 7pm to 8am. They are closed all weekend SA-SU.

How best to set up SA-SU so it stay son NIGHT all weekend?
I usually prefer to have it set to manual. Last man out hits the night key first man in turns nights off on Monday morning.
That way programming and timing issues don't get in the way of: long weekends, power outages, holidays, company picnics, and hangovers.
But it does depend on what type of business you are dealing with.
This is a large law office and people are coming and going all the time. the recp. desk is covered by several people so in this case it is best to automate.

I personally program systems with a 4 to 6 ring delay and never tell them about auto answer after hours.

This customer was aware that this could be done so he requested it. The problem with Nortel immediate answer is that they loose CID.

Any new revisions on MICS that allows a ring delay time so CID info can be accepted? Or is zero rings all I have to work with on 7.0?
You can always set the aa to answer after 1 or 2 rings .

If no one is there to hear it won't bother any one. and if someone is in the office on a weekend they can pick it up on the first ring when their wife phones to tell them to pick up a pizza on their way home.

I haven't found many businesses that didn't like a bit if flexibility.
Yes, but how can I have the ring change from 6 rings MO-FR 8am to 6:69pm then to 2 rings from 7pm to 7:59am.

I thought that the ring count under LINES could only be set for on set of rings when using delayed answer auto attendant.
All rings counts , delays etc are set and cant be changed automaticaly.
Tell them to get a PRI if they want CII and Service Modes.

Of just go with AA full time and set to 2 rings.

set the AA to answer after 6 rings during the day (and always).
Using service modes add vmail dn to ringing sets and set the lines and times you want it to ring for nights and weekends.
Personally I still think a manual autodial button works best.
one touch AA answers immediately one touch it is off.
if someone forgets, calls go to the aa after 4 or 6 rings or whatever you set it for any way.
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