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NIC card headaches..Why? 2

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Technical User
Apr 17, 2001
I knew when I bought Win 2000 Pro that it was possible I would run into some problems and incidents that I didn’t have in WinME. I specifically waited until I bought a new PC to even truly think about buying Win2000. To further insure (or so I thought) that I would have minimal problems, I made sure that all the hardware in this Gateway Essential 933 was on the HCL and that it would work with the proper installation of needed drivers.

For the most part I’ve done okay. The problems I have encountered have been the normal learning curve type of things. The configurations of both hardware and software all look normal and properly set. All is not fine however, somewhere in my NIC card. I’ve encountered a big problem with the card that may actually force me to revert back to ME. Seeing what was spent on 2K this really wouldn’t be what I want to do. Maybe someone can help save me from that drastic and gut wrenching ( J ) move.

The card is a Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter(LNE100TX v4) and on the surface all seems fine. The card registers as active and as working properly with no conflicts. The driver for the card (Downloaded right from Linksys) is the apparent latest one available. The card actually works fine for periods of time. Then, out of nowhere it seems that the card dies out on me with an error as follows: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. The error reports as happening in the file NDIS.SYS. The error also reports that the machine is BEGINNING DUMP OF PHYSICAL MEMORY.

Another problem with the card I have found came when I tried to play Video poker through the Pogo games on NBCI.com. I go through all the steps and it loads the game fine until the very last moment. I see the game screen start to appear and the ** POOF ** gone. The computer goes into full system reboot. I tried the games using a regular dial up connection with the internal 56k modem and the game loaded fine and played fine so I know the problem lies somewhere in this NIC card.

Not sure where I can look to solve this. I’ve looked at a few of the knowledge bases on Microsoft and other places and find that though this error seems ‘popular’ there is no one definitive fix. All I can hope for now is for some kind soul to see this post on one of the forums I will post it to and maybe point me in the right direction. Or maybe it will end up ME here I come again! J TIA.

Well, I've had this problem before on some of the first machines I was putting Win2K on. It is actually not Win2K that is having problems with the NICc, it is the other way around. The chipset in the LinkSys NIC conflicts with some of the internal workings of Win2K. This is why I stopped using the LinkSys Nics on the machines and switched over to NetGear. First off, NetGear has a great card and a Lifetime warranty! Second of all it cost about a fraction of what 3Com does. You can get a good NetGear NIC for about $17, I'd recommend the FA310TX. So instead of waisting your Win 2K investment and throwing away a great OS that beats ME anyday for stability, go get a new NIC and have all your problems solved. Good luck!

Net Guyz, LLC
Harry..thanks much! I actually took your advice the day before you gave it to me! LOL. I tried the service pack and when that didn't work I went to Circuit City and bought a Netgear FA-311 for $19.95. I was a little leary of wasting the money because I wasn't sure if I was going to have the same problem....I wish you had posted a day earlier..I would have went to CC with peace of mind! LOL. Thanks again very much.
Also a thanks to all who offered advice. I may be back soon with another...trouble brewing with my crapola zip 100 external parallal. I'll try and work it..but if not..I'll be back! Thanks again.

well guys,

i ve the same problem like leon, but i ve an external dsl modem .... i cant get a new one - far to expensive. so what can i do ?

well, my system doesn t crash when i m constantly moving the mouse, and that s no solution ...


need help

First off, is your DSL modem connect to your computer through USB or a ethernet cable. Second what is the make and model of your DSL modem. Thanks!
Well the first problem is that the Alcatel DSL modem that you have is extremly horriable! I have many horrible stories with this moden most of them with the USB connection. The ones with the ethernet connection usally work great. What O/S r u running? A fix is to download the newest drivers but this is temp. We have never gotten this modem to work correctly through USB for more then a week. Any chance of getting one that connect strait to your ethernet card? Sorry to throw bad news your way. Let me know what you think. Have a great day!

Net Guyz, LLC
I also have an external modem connected to my nic. Its a Ericsson Pipe Rider. I have the linksys lne100tx v4. I think it is happening when i run an ftp server ( Serv-u). Im also running a dns service, DNS2Go... Help plz
Hi there!
I have the same problem Leon399 has, but with a FA-311 Netgear card! Since i`ve changed my no name RTL8029-card to the Netgear one (because it was broken) i get these error-messages.
My OS is Win2k Pro

Thanks for any help...
I have a Netgear FA311, driver installed from Netgear's disk. Problems involve very slow throughput on 100Mbps (much faster on 10), occasional lockups which force me to restart the card. I'm on NT5 too. I get DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL but only in my own code, most other programs don't have any trouble with it. Looks like I shall have to use NT 4 or change the card.
WOW, cool site!!
I have the same problem with my Alcatel Speedtouch external modem.
I am running Windows 2k Server.

So far I have had dumps due to DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in:
alcan5wn.sys (for some reason I am forced to install this driver)

Hi every body,
Lets take a trip down A+ basics....IRQ,IRQ,IRQ. When you see this error "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" there is a hint here, you have a IRQ problem hence computer crashes and reboots. NICs very rarely go bad (only seen one bad in 12 yrs and I've seen a bunch and this one was from a lightning strike), try instead of spending your hard earned money on another piece of equipment and hoping it will fix the problem, do some BASIC trouble shooting. Try taking all extra cards out and leave video and nic and see if the problem goes away if it don't try moving the nic to another slot. And lastly you can remove the dirver and reinstall it forcing the o/s to try to assign another IRQ. I find that if you will go to the command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" you should see a nice information window telling you all about your IP configuration. If your running DHCP you should see a IP address, if you don't chances are that your nic isn't getting it's IRQ and can't assign it to the NIC. If your not running DHCP and you don't see an address and you know you put it in and bound the protocol chances are your NIC don't have an IRQ.
This happens alot especially when people add new periphals to their computers. Check it out, it just might save ya a buck or two.

The error DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL has got NOTHING do do with IRQ's but with IRQ levels !

Can be compired with a priority level, which device drivers use. So the device driver in question is doing something which is not allowed on its current IRQ level.

Btw. I have this problem with National Semiconductor DP83815 MacPhyter3v card...


I have the ndis.sys BSOD with my LinkSys 4.1 NIC. This errors occurs exclusively, but not each time that I send an email out using Eudora 5. I remember that on my original install of Win2K, I figured a way out of this problem. Unfortunately, I cannot remember what this is, only that there is a cure. I also have and SBLive! 5.1. I have both the sound card and the NIC on the same IRQ, #11.
I am going to look for this fix like all heck, and if I find it, I'll let you all know for sure.
I have also encounted the BSOD with NDIS.SYS.

Here are my specs:

Gateway Solo 2500 Laptop with 300mhz Celeron.
160 MB Generic RAM
Windows 2000 Pro.
Linksys 10/100 PCMCIA NIC (PCM100 Driver)

The error happens seemingly at random, but only while accessing the DSL Modem. I run off a static IP address, so there is no DHCP involved.

An interesting note is when I take the NIC out of the Gateway machine, and plug it into a Fujitsu Laptop with 160 MB RAM and a P II 266 Processor in it, I have NO BSOD.

The problem does not appear to be specific to the NIC, but rather (to me) has something to do with the chipset or the mobo.

Any input would be appreciated greatly. Like many of you, I have found no definitive answer. Some solutions even seem like they contradict one another, so the problem seems to be linked with machine specific hardware, not the NIC.

Plz let me know anything you can.
I have had a similar problem with my Linksys 10/100 LAN Card. The problem first ocurred when I was trying to link my Westell DSL modem to my PC via the NIC card and ultimately failed. After searching through my device manager, I found that my NIC card was running on the same IRQ as my video card. I then removed the NIC card from the Device Mgr, moved the card to a different PCI slot, and then restarted my computer. It went through the installation, and I restarted again. I then checked in the Device Mgr, and the NIC Card is listed at both IRQ 11 (the first one it was on from which I removed it), and at IRQ 17. Apparently both are working properly, which is impossible beacuse there is no longer a card at IRQ 11! When I try to remove it from IRQ 11, it does not work. Does anyone know why this may be happening, and any possible solutions for it? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

I have an nearly equal error...

0x000000D1 (0x01399114,0x00000002,0x00000000,0xBFEBFBBE)
Address BFEBFBBE base at BFEB6000, DataStamp
3a68bea9 - NDIS.SYS

by surfing through the Web with the Internet Explorer! I have an DSL Modem, ans i am surfing by an Proxy Server!

(Sorry for my English *smile*)

I hope someone can help me!

See ya.. André

I have written a test program that reliably causes a BSOD in NDIS.SYS in my machine with a NetGear FA-312 NIC. The NetGear FA-311 and FA-312 NICs both use the National Semiconductor DP83815 MacPhyter chipset. Analyzing the crash dump reveals that it is the FA-312 driver that is calling NDIS.SYS when the BSOD occurs. I have been able to reproduce the problem with v1.30 and v1.80 of the NetGear drivers, and v5.0.119.0 and v5.0.124.0 of the National Semiconductor drivers. The BSOD occurs on Windows 2000 (and maybe NT and/or XP - I haven't tried). In WinME, despite I don't get a BSOD, the NIC stops functioning after the running my test program.

I have been pursuing NetGear about this issue, but they haven't been very helpful. If anyone would like to run my test program to see if you get the same results (and give me a bit more ammunition to use with NetGear/National Semiconductor) let me know. You can drop me a note at ccooper21@hotmail.com and I'll send you the program and source code.

I am having the same problem with my Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter(LNE100TX v4)and Windows 2000 Professional. I dont have any problems whenever I download stuff from the internet using Internet Explorer 6.0. But the problem is everytime I download files in mIRC(DCC Get). I get a BSOD whenever I receive files using mIRC. The specific error is:

0x000000D1 (0x01107170, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x01107170)
Address BFED1C2B base at BFEC8000, Date Stamp 3a68bea9 - NDIS.sys

I've installed the most latest version of this driver for this version 4 NIC from the Linksys website but still having the same problems. I am wondering if I should just go out and buy a NetGear or Intel NIC card and see if that will resolve this problem or not. I dont think the problem would be anywhere else because the Linksys NIC card is the only PCI device installed. Hope someone can provide me with some suggestions or advice. Thanks in advance.
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