Can anyone tell me how to setup NFS Server/Client between two servers. I need to share a mount point and have both server use that mount point to access some file.
All you need can be done with smitty nfs
The exportfs File is /etc/exports
On the Client you can mount the NFS-FS in different ways
smitty nfs - mount fs
I prefer to mount the FS with Soft mode.
The other way is mount serverhostname:/exportfs /mountpoint
first, logs to your server (nfs_server) which will share files
and run this command
mknfsexp -d '/fs_shared' -t 'rw' '-B'
your filesystem /fs_shares is exported in rw (read-write), put ro if you want read only.
by smitty..
smitty nfs
Network File System (NFS)
add a Directory to Exports List
PATHNAME of directory to export [shared fs]
HOSTS & NETGROUPS allowed client access [clients hostname]
your fs is exported : you can see it on /etc/exports and /etc/xtab.
then logs on your client:
run this command if your nfs is just for a moment
mount nfs_server:/shared_fs /client_mount_point
if you must keep this nfs , it's better to user smit
smitty nfs
Network File System (NFS)
Add a File System for Mounting
PATHNAME of mount point [/client_mount_point]
PATHNAME of remote directory [shared_fs]
HOST where remote directory resides [nfs_server]
MOUNT now, add entry to /etc/filesystems or both?
now, both , filesystem
now : lost after reboot
both: now and not lost
filesystem k after reboot
Don' forget , if you want to export a cdrom fs , use always read-only for server and client
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