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Newbie To Novell

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Technical User
Mar 11, 2003
Hello all,

I'm a newbie to all the Novell thing. Right now where I work its all about novell....I would like to learn more about it.

What steps do I need to take or were do I start on being CERT on Novell.

Just a little bit about me. I'm a computer tech and programmer, I have a background in windows and linux. To me so far from looking at it reminds me of linux.

So any kind of help pointing me in the right direction would be very good. I hope to make a tone of friends in the novell board.

Thank you
I'd visit the Novell website, there's lots of information about certification and education there. I took several classes, and they helped when taking the tests. I also took most of the tests just by doing self-study. I am certified on Novell, Microsoft, and Unix (Solaris), so I feel I can say that for the most part, many of the concepts are similiar. But each one has its own syntax and special way of doing things.

Novell, like IBM's OS/2 is technically superior to Microsoft, so you won't have as many problems to troubleshoot. On the other hand, it's not as easy to setup correctly. To me, Microsoft servers are trying to be like Unix servers. Novell servers are dedicated servers, and that is why they excel - they're not trying to do everything at once like Windows servers do.

There are some similarities with Unix on the Novell side as well - some of the file locations and configuration files are alike. Good luck. Visit Novell's website.

Iolair MacWalter
Novell CNE, Microsoft MCP, and Sun SCSA
Thank you Bro,

Well I went to the Novell site. I looked around I found a couple of thing but I did not find any material to use.

If you don't mind me asking but what kind of material or what sites did you go to learn Novell from scratch
Many of Novell's services are cross platform now and work with Windows and Linux.

Novell has a new certification coming out, the CLE (Certified Linux Engineer) that is specific to Novell services on Linux. Might be a good route to take where you already have a Linux foundation.

They have self study kits you can buy that are pretty comprehensive, but I'm not sure if they've got one for the CLE cert yet..

info is here: (towards the bottom)

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting
As far as what did I use to learn Novell, I used the same things I used for self-study. I used the SelfTest Software to prepare for the exams. I used all kinds of books from Novell and third party authors. The IDG books, which are from Novell Press, usually have the best information, most complete and accurate. I use the Administrator's Handbook every day - for all versions I use, from 3.12 through 6. I haven't upgraded to 6.5 yet. Probably the best books are those written by David James Clarke.

I usually buy at Barnes and Noble or Books-a-Million. You can buy them online also. And yes, I agree with what marvhuffaker says - Novell is cross platform - you can actually run many Novell services on Windows, Linux, or an old Novell product called Unixware. Although, I think SCO owns Unixware now. Bottom line is Novell will let you connect anything to anything.

Iolair MacWalter
Thank you all for your info and link.

I'm still confuse on how to start. See with Msoft I know where to start because of the course you have to learn but with novell its way different.

Let say that I woul dlike to learn from the bottom up how and what steps do I need to take?

Sorry to be asking you this but I'm confuse
Thank you for the link. I have one more question, which one should I start with?

I notice that there is netware 5,6 and 6.5 ..

Which one should I go for plus would it be worth it doing all plus would it cost me a lot?


I believe that the CNE 5 track is expiring soon. I'm not aware of a 6.5 track yet, although you could assume it is forthcoming.

Just go with 6 for now.

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting
I'm currently using a David James Clarke book to prepare myself for CNA. Where do I get the selftest software?

Don’t sweat it! Just do it!
Go to and click on the Novell tab, that will take you to the tests page. They run about 80 or 90 dollars last time I checked, but, that could be different now.

Some people would say why spend that on the software, because you also have to pay for the tests and any books you buy. I can say that I have never failed a test using the Self Test Software - it simulates the exam very closely.

I'd probably do the CNE 6 track now if I were having to do it. You can always look up what you need to run the older stuff, if you have to. I'm not sure that Novell will actually offer a CNE 6.5 because Netware 7.0 is supposed to come out early next year, with services running on Netware AND Linux. Again, good luck. I've been very happy with Novell products.

Iolair MacWalter
I went to the bookstore and picked up a lot of reading material. I perfer the Novell Press books. I was able several years ago to pick up their book on Zenworks. From reading that book, I was able to create my first zen app without any classroom time or help from others. This helped me when I took the Novell zenworks exam. I passed with flying colors. This allowed me finally join a group at work that created zen apps for the company.

Since then whenever I need to know something, I go get a Novell press book. I was the first in the company to build a netware 6 server outside of the lab. Both myself and the Sr. Engineer( CNE) I was working with both got the Novell Netware 6 admin book. That book helped alot with some of the questions we had. Also Novell's web site is an excellent site for infomation.

I found daily on the job administration at work helped me. I also found after doing the studying to earn my CNA, you will feel more comfortable with Novell. If all you need is to read material to learn and pass exams, you can buy the actual Novell class manuals from the locations that teach the novell classes. It is cheaper than the class ( $420 I believe for the Netware 6 CNA class manterials verses over $1,000 for a class) If you work for a company that will let you go to classes, get them to pay for your going to a class. Work on getting your CNA in Netware 6. That is just one exam. Keep going so you can earn you CNE as well. I found at my early years with Netware 5, being in a class with good instructions to ask questions of helped a bunch.
I started in Netware when it was Netware 2.10. So, I have seen a lot of newcomers, including "mickey" and friends, have yet to see anyone topple Novells' stability. I have 3 Netware servers and 1 newly installed Linux server running my network and computer consulting business. I manage servers from 1 location, and still use NSBS 6 and 5.1. I have a very pointed view, but it stays the course. Netware is the best.

As far as how I started, I got the old manuals, they used to have paper books back then... and something that Novell put out called a Novell Product Guide. It had in it basically everything that networking was about back then. It went out of production in 1997, but the same goes as the others have told you, download documentation, patches, EVERYTHING you can get from Novell for only your installation, not all scenarios; read it, understand it, start using it. Believe it or not, even just the product docs will get you up and running and get you on your way. Go to the bookstores, any bookstore that has anything from Novell Press, SAMS, etc. to get more detailed instructions. Your best bet would be the older Netware 5 books, as they explain without confusion, and.. they are usually discounted on eBay and Amazon. Also, if the thought of learning Netware makes you seem dizzy, don't sweat it. We've all gone through it. Makes you a better admin anyway, right.

I would stay clear of any arguements about Novell vs MS because of your being new to Novell, don't sweat it. In time, when you are more comfortable with networking in general, you'll understand why Novell is first.

Stick with it, don't quit, Novell is still here and kicking.
I recommend the selttest.com software, I would look to the 6 CNA, then build on the CNE as you go. I just passed my 6 CNA and found that the selftest software was very close to what the exam was. Definitely don't rely on it alone to learn your CNA. There are a lot of books out there to help you and you'll need that to have a more rounded education of Novell.

It costs a little more but at shop.novell.com you can buy the actual classroom material set from their classes, and they contain all the CD material you would have got with the class. (6 server, server license, 2 user UAL, client32 etc... as well as educational CD's) Typically it's about 350 dollars for it. What's nice about them is there are guided labs setting up and simulating problems in them. Since you have the CD's you can also install your own server and play with it to get better accomodated with Novell.

As far as finding things on Novell's site to help you, I have learned tons from support.novell.com. Everytime you have a free minute and see something on the server console you want to know the meaning of, or especially if you run into a problem, even a small one, just look it up!

You get an article or actual manual page describing what your problem or question is, but many times there is a link in the text for something closely related, or explaining a concept better. With all that you can start putting together the pieces of how it works.

Good luck!

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