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Newbie: textboxes still showing old info after postback

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Aug 28, 2003
I populate textboxes on a user control from a database. my problem is that the textboxes retain their old info after a postback. I use the page_load event to populate the fields. Strange thing is that a response.write of the textbox in the page_load routine shows the textbox as having the correct data but when displayed it shows the previous data. To add to confusion if i set the textbox to enabled = false after the update the correct data shows.

I've tried with viewstate and enabled and disabled but nothing.

Thanks in advance for any replies
when exactly are u setting the data to the textbox? in the page_load event? try the page_prerender event...

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull

Thanks for this but still get the same problem on the textboxes. Why would they work correctly once i set enabled to False.
Try posting your code so we can see what your problem may be...


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excuse the poor code as it's my first attempt

i have an aspx page that loads the user control - code is

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

if (!IsPostBack)
//This populate dropdowns - works fine
populateDDL(ddlBusRef, "Bus Case Ref");
populateDDL(ddlWorkRef, "Work ref number");
populateDDL(ddlKintanaRef, "Kintana Ref");
else {
Control Ctrl1 = Page.LoadControl("SingleRecordGrid.ascx");

User control(SingleRecordGrid.ascx) is just lots of text boxes - code behind page shows

private String sqlConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MyDBConnection"];

private void Page_preRender(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack) {
String PBControl = Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"];
String fName = "";

switch (PBControl)
case "ddlWorkRef" :
fName = "Work ref number";
case "ddlKintanaRef" :
fName = "Kintana Ref";
default :
fName = "Bus Case Ref";

SqlConnection conn1 = new SqlConnection(sqlConn);
String strSelect = "select count(*) As rcount from workstack where [" + fName + "] = '" + Request.Params[PBControl] + "';" +
" select [Work ref number], [Bus Case Ref],convert(char,[Date initiated],106) As [Date Initiated]," +
" convert(char,[Date authorised],106) As [Date Authorised], " +
" 'Delivery Date' = CASE WHEN [Delivery date] = '' THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(CHAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,[Delivery date],103),106) END, " +
" 'Revised Date' = CASE WHEN [Revised Date] = '' THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(CHAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,[Revised Date],103),106) END, " +
" CONVERT(CHAR,CONVERT(DATETIME,[Date closed],103),106) As [Date Closed]," +
" [Project Title], [Feasibility], [Category], [Bus Case Status], [Work status]," +
" [Chargeable], [BT Prog No], [Sponsoring unit], [Sponsor name], [BT Del Con]," +
" [BT OneIT Con], [Client Manager], [Exec Manager],[ESBT lead]," +
" [A&FS lead], [Kintana Ref]" +
" from workstack where [" + fName + "] = '" + Request.Params[PBControl] + "'";

SqlCommand cmdWorkstackRecord = new SqlCommand(strSelect ,conn1);
SqlDataReader r1;


r1 = cmdWorkstackRecord.ExecuteReader();

if (Int32.Parse(r1["rcount"].ToString()) < 1)

txtWorkRefNo.Text = String.Empty;
txtBusCaseRef.Text = String.Empty;
txtDateInitiated.Text = String.Empty;
txtDateAuthorised.Text = String.Empty;
txtDeliveryDate.Text = String.Empty;
txtDateRevised.Text = String.Empty;
txtDateClosed.Text = String.Empty;
txtProjectTitle.Text = String.Empty;
txtFeasibility.Text = String.Empty;
txtCategory.Text = String.Empty;
txtBusCaseStatus.Text = String.Empty;
txtWorkStatus.Text = String.Empty;
txtChargeable.Text = String.Empty;
txtBTProgNo.Text = String.Empty;
txtSponsoringUnit.Text = String.Empty;
txtSponsorName.Text = String.Empty;
txtBTDelCon.Text = String.Empty;
txtBTOneITCon.Text = String.Empty;
txtClientManager.Text = String.Empty;
txtExecManager.Text = String.Empty;
txtESBTLead.Text = String.Empty;
txtAFSLead.Text = String.Empty;
txtKintanaRef.Text = String.Empty;
this.Visible = false;

while (r1.Read())
txtWorkRefNo.Text = r1["Work Ref number"].ToString();
txtBusCaseRef.Text = r1["Bus Case Ref"].ToString();
txtDateInitiated.Text = r1["Date Initiated"].ToString();
txtDateAuthorised.Text = r1["Date Authorised"].ToString();
txtDeliveryDate.Text = r1["Delivery Date"].ToString();
txtDateRevised.Text = r1["Revised Date"].ToString();
txtDateClosed.Text = r1["Date Closed"].ToString();
txtProjectTitle.Attributes.Add("value", r1["Project Title"].ToString());
txtFeasibility.Text = r1["Feasibility"].ToString();
txtCategory.Text = r1["Category"].ToString();
txtBusCaseStatus.Text = r1["Bus Case Status"].ToString();
txtWorkStatus.Text = r1["Work Status"].ToString();
txtChargeable.Text = r1["Chargeable"].ToString();
txtBTProgNo.Text = r1["BT Prog No"].ToString();
txtSponsoringUnit.Text = r1["Sponsoring Unit"].ToString();
txtSponsorName.Text = r1["Sponsor Name"].ToString();
txtBTDelCon.Text = r1["BT Del Con"].ToString();
txtBTOneITCon.Text = r1["BT OneIT Con"].ToString();
txtClientManager.Text = r1["Client Manager"].ToString();
txtExecManager.Text = r1["Exec Manager"].ToString();
txtESBTLead.Text = r1["ESBT Lead"].ToString();
txtAFSLead.Text = r1["A&FS Lead"].ToString();
txtKintanaRef.Text = r1["Kintana Ref"].ToString();

//these are the only textboxes who's text property display changes

txtKintanaRef.Enabled = false;
txtBusCaseRef.Enabled = false;
txtWorkRefNo.Enabled = false;




again apologies for poor code
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