I'm new to ASP so please bear with me. I am creating a demo in VB6 (say items and BOMs) to show recursive calculations are working correctly. I ask the user how many items they want to process and then build an item list and associated BOM list for each item.
If they click View items it pops them into the Internet Explorer where it displays an HTML Items List in a table with a link to the corresponding BOM. The problem is that the link URL doesn't exist. Since this is a demo, I only want to create the BOM HTML file if they click it.
Here is what I have done so far:
A. Demo creates an Items.asp file with HTML to display Items List as described above.
B. Pseudo link anchor tag points to BOM.asp file which is passed in one argument like this:
<A HREF="<%BOM.asp?LineNumber%>">Associated BOM</A>
LineNumber is all that I need to create the BOM on the fly and display it. It will be 1, 2, 3, etc.
Here are my questions:
1. Do I have my anchor tag coded properly? The dummy BOM page displays properly as far as I can tell.
2. How do you extract the parameter which was passed into the asp file? I've used VB some and you can use Command to return the argument list.
I'm not afraid to do some digging if someone points me but since this is a demo with no guaranteed work out of it I would appreciate it if someone could post a little bit of working code to get me started.
If they click View items it pops them into the Internet Explorer where it displays an HTML Items List in a table with a link to the corresponding BOM. The problem is that the link URL doesn't exist. Since this is a demo, I only want to create the BOM HTML file if they click it.
Here is what I have done so far:
A. Demo creates an Items.asp file with HTML to display Items List as described above.
B. Pseudo link anchor tag points to BOM.asp file which is passed in one argument like this:
<A HREF="<%BOM.asp?LineNumber%>">Associated BOM</A>
LineNumber is all that I need to create the BOM on the fly and display it. It will be 1, 2, 3, etc.
Here are my questions:
1. Do I have my anchor tag coded properly? The dummy BOM page displays properly as far as I can tell.
2. How do you extract the parameter which was passed into the asp file? I've used VB some and you can use Command to return the argument list.
I'm not afraid to do some digging if someone points me but since this is a demo with no guaranteed work out of it I would appreciate it if someone could post a little bit of working code to get me started.