Hi all Linux Guru's
I am new to linux, but a fast learner too. REcently I become admin for a 25 appartements with 2Mbit ADSL connection. I got an offer from ISP. This is how it looks:
WAN IP (NAT IP): 213.xxx.3xx.253
Subnet: 213.xxx.4xx.144-151
Subnet mask:
LAN IP (Default gateway): 213.xxx.4xx.145
For now im using only one IP and DHCP for connecting all machines from the LAN. That is working fine.
But couse i have same more public IP's that are not used, as you can see, i would like to use them.
I know that one of the IP's is used as broadcasting address.
So one for broadcast, one for gateway, im standing here with 6 addresses to use. Some of the people in the building and also myself, would like to have those addresses hooked up to our machines, but also we would like to stay in the LAN to see other machines.
Please help me with solving that. I dont want whatsoever DMZ sollution. I guess it is possible the way i want it, but i just simply dont know how to do it.
Thanks in advance, Spinaker.
Gone with the wind...
I am new to linux, but a fast learner too. REcently I become admin for a 25 appartements with 2Mbit ADSL connection. I got an offer from ISP. This is how it looks:
WAN IP (NAT IP): 213.xxx.3xx.253
Subnet: 213.xxx.4xx.144-151
Subnet mask:
LAN IP (Default gateway): 213.xxx.4xx.145
For now im using only one IP and DHCP for connecting all machines from the LAN. That is working fine.
But couse i have same more public IP's that are not used, as you can see, i would like to use them.
I know that one of the IP's is used as broadcasting address.
So one for broadcast, one for gateway, im standing here with 6 addresses to use. Some of the people in the building and also myself, would like to have those addresses hooked up to our machines, but also we would like to stay in the LAN to see other machines.
Please help me with solving that. I dont want whatsoever DMZ sollution. I guess it is possible the way i want it, but i just simply dont know how to do it.
Thanks in advance, Spinaker.
Gone with the wind...