I need to call an ActiveX.dll from whitin VBScript.
I'm a newbie to VisualBasic 6.0. I have created and tested my Dll. Now I have to "trigger" it from whitin a program only supporting VBScript. I'ts not exactly the same syntax and stuff. The code (VB6)I used to test my DLL is below!
Private Sub cmdExekvera_Click()
'koppla mot DLL
Dim strApplikation As String
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
Dim oRun As prjEdis.cEdis
strApplikation = "notepad"
Set oRun = New prjEdis.cEdis
MsgBox oRun.RunApp(strApplikation)
End Sub
This is only a simple example for me to understand. I need to call my DLL from VBScript. Pass arguments to it and finaly receive a result. If it's been a success or not. The above example will only start "notepad". I know I can start a program from VBSript but my point is that I have to call my DLL. The DLL I will finally use is intended to put a new record in a DB. The DLL is registered with my system using regsvr32.
Could anyone please help me to convert the above VB code to VBScript.
Yours sincerely Gudfadern
Ps this is the first time I start a thread, hope I do it correctly
I need to call an ActiveX.dll from whitin VBScript.
I'm a newbie to VisualBasic 6.0. I have created and tested my Dll. Now I have to "trigger" it from whitin a program only supporting VBScript. I'ts not exactly the same syntax and stuff. The code (VB6)I used to test my DLL is below!
Private Sub cmdExekvera_Click()
'koppla mot DLL
Dim strApplikation As String
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
Dim oRun As prjEdis.cEdis
strApplikation = "notepad"
Set oRun = New prjEdis.cEdis
MsgBox oRun.RunApp(strApplikation)
End Sub
This is only a simple example for me to understand. I need to call my DLL from VBScript. Pass arguments to it and finaly receive a result. If it's been a success or not. The above example will only start "notepad". I know I can start a program from VBSript but my point is that I have to call my DLL. The DLL I will finally use is intended to put a new record in a DB. The DLL is registered with my system using regsvr32.
Could anyone please help me to convert the above VB code to VBScript.
Yours sincerely Gudfadern
Ps this is the first time I start a thread, hope I do it correctly