I have a TEdit contol named userName on my form. When a button is pressed I am brought here:
void __fastcall TForm1::btnLoginClick(TObject *Sender)
I have tried the following (after many searches Google and this forum )
// Get the length of the username
string str = userName->text;
string::size_type len; \\ What is this anyways?
len = str.length();
anyways, that was the latest. I just want to see if userName > 8 charcaters. So frustrating...
PS. Also, I would really appreciate a quick explanation of this FASTCALL stuff if anyone would not mind.... thanks again
void __fastcall TForm1::btnLoginClick(TObject *Sender)
I have tried the following (after many searches Google and this forum )
// Get the length of the username
string str = userName->text;
string::size_type len; \\ What is this anyways?
len = str.length();
anyways, that was the latest. I just want to see if userName > 8 charcaters. So frustrating...
PS. Also, I would really appreciate a quick explanation of this FASTCALL stuff if anyone would not mind.... thanks again