I am new to Visual Foxpro. I did Foxpro for Dos years ago. I have built a form that displays one record from a database. I have added controls to skip to the next record and skip back. I am using the code
If I go into this form from another form I am using for a menu I get the error object screenname is not found if I do a skip.
Also my old method of adding a record was to
append blank
scatter memvar
create variables to 'get'
gather memvar
In the current century how do I add the command to add a record?
If I go into this form from another form I am using for a menu I get the error object screenname is not found if I do a skip.
Also my old method of adding a record was to
append blank
scatter memvar
create variables to 'get'
gather memvar
In the current century how do I add the command to add a record?