Question- what's the easiest method of giving users access to published applications- there is a PN.ini file that I'd like to distribute. Is it a problem for everyone to use the same file?
1. Create the Published Apps
2. Give the permissions per application as required for your users
3. When the clients connect for the first time, the ICA Client Software should automatically detect your farm and any apps that that user is entitled to. These should then appear under a default application set.
4. If you so wish, you CAN copy the custom PN.ini, along with any other custom ini files to the clients PC,s. There are correct procedures for this. It is also possible to create a custom client install that will ensure that every machine that you require to connect can and will.
The Citrix website does have extensive How To`s and Tech notes for this. To put it all in here would take forever!!!
COME & GET IT SADDAM!! Adrian Jordan
The basic connection is very straightforward if the client does not automatically find the server farm.
Open Citrix Program Neighbourhood, Open "Application Set Manager" and use the "Find New Application Set Wizard" to connect to your farm. Ensure that when you get to the Description page, Use the advanced tab, and you must (if the farm is on a LAN) use TCP/IP not HTTP to connect
For this basic config, ignore the further configuration options until the you are happy that you can connect to the published apps.
1 thing to check, go to the CMC on the server, and right click on the top Icon in the left pane that relates to your farm name. Goto Properties --> Metaframe Settings and ensure that "Data Collectors respond to ICA client broadcast messages" is ticked this will make things slightly more automatic!! Adrian Jordan
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