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New T-Shirts! 3

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Jun 9, 1999

Easy way to motivate technical staff? New T-Shirts for the wardrobe!

Chip H.
T-Shirts, heck no, just give me chocolate. [cheers]

Learn something new every day *:->*
I get T-shirts by filling out Compaq surveys. Problem is that I wear medium and everything they send is XL. :-(
I haven't lost my mind - I know it's backed up on tape somewhere ....
We get Golf Shirts or Henley's but can't wear them at work. You want to motivate me: Tequila shots.
Let's see... The two things in life that motivate me (that employers can legally and ethically provide, anyway) would be hot and cold running Mountain Dew, and money.
We get Golf Shirts or Henley's but can't wear them at work.


"Max, here's your new golf shirt with the corporate logo featured prominently on the breast pocket. Just remember - you can't wear it to work."

That doesn't make sense. Do they want you to wear it while changing the oil on the car, then?

Chip H.
Totally the idea, why be allowed to wear the shirt to work? When you wear it outside the building it's free advertising. And more like use the shirt to check the oil, I think.
And more like use the shirt to check the oil, I think.

Chip H.
You can always give your people company T-shirts.
We do it sometimes, but they don't motivate people.

Money is also not a motivator. A lot of money just make it more difficult for them to find another job. It doesn't make them like their job.

I can't tell what I realy do to motivate people. I do a lot but it's not something I realy think about.

Over the last 2 years I have lost one supporter, and she only left because her husband got a great job in Rio. I still talk/chat/email her and when she come back both she and I hope that I have a job for her.

We pay people more then average, but not top. All my people could get more money somewhere else. I know it, our CIO knows it and most of all they know it.
But will they find a better job?
They say NO, and I think they are right (at least chances of getting one that is better is low)

As some of them say: They have never worked as much as they do now, but they have also never had so good a job as they have now.

The same it true for myself.
I get around 50% they money I got for the jobs I had 4-6 years ago. I also work a lot more and I don't get money for overtime.
But my job now is many times better then the on I had 5 years ago.

I think wearing competitors free t-shirts to work is the best way to motivate management :p
I would probably code for free if management kept me supplied with coffee, cola and chips... Actually if they did that I would probably never leave the office ;)
Interesting...studies years ago found that people felt the most motivated money-wise if they were paid what they thought they were worth or slightly above. If they were underpaid or really over-paid, it decreased motivation. Money is one thing, however, important factors include: staff being valued and treated fairly, an ethical organization that you can be proud of, you are given the responsiblity and authority that is motivating but not overwhelming, you are given support, information is shared, people trust each other and it's a fairly flat organization. Problems are dealt with. Those are just a few of the things that are important.
I think Luckyfour has something here.

I have been on projects where the money I got was way off to the work I did. It was nice to have the money but the project was not something I would like to be on again.

When you people are a little under-payed (a little) I have seen that people make a choise. If you treat your people good, giving them interesting tasks etc. they know that they can get another job tomorrow if they want, but they want to keep the job they have.

Just what I need. Another stupid t-shirt. I can buy t-shirts.

I am a tad bitter on this as I sat developing in a cubicle in a palace of an office as the dot com crumbled while the upper eschelon continued ordering t-shirts. As well as hats, umbrellas, baseball bats, stress balls (real handy there), and bouncy balls that light up on impact.

Not to mention the free beverage "wall" that we had, expresso machines, foosball, catered all hands meetings once monthly with endless beers.

We weren't motivated. Most of us were pleased to be working in that environment, but weren't motivated because as serious professionals we knew it was going in the toilet.

There is probably a fine line where that all should stop, but I'll take respect over a t-shirt for motivation any day.
Aww come on guys - everyone knows its soooo cool to wear those CREW t-shirts ;-)
I'm with johnny99 and LuckyFour. It's not necessarily the money (although I have one guy that is motivated in such a manner) than it is respect and meaningful projects. Hell, just being there to talk to them does a world of good. Although I like the idea of vodka and kamikazee shots!
I make as much now as a manager that I did before I went "Pro" at the major network vendor as a resident engineer (lower than a site engineer). But I have a job that is not directly affected by "market forces" (read - investor greed), since the firm I work for is privately held.
That being said, I still like the shots (and maybe an Ale chaser - Newcastle is best). T-shirt I get from IBM and Compaq. And since I am XXL/XXXL, they never fit anyway.
Cheers! Christopher *
We bring the mis-manage to MIS Management.
Where do ya'll get these IBM and Compaq shirts??? I spend lots of money with them but no freebies!!!


Eric Bertrand
SciTegic, Inc.
They've gotten a bit tight with them since the economy slowed down. You might have to spend a 50 grand or more to get a free T-Shirt out of them nowadays.

Chip H.
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