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New System Problems. 1

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Aug 6, 2003
P4 Titan Series Sinxp1934 Gigabyte MB (Limited Edition)
P4 Intel Boxed 3.06 1.55v max 533mhz, L2-Cache
Mushkin PC2700 1 Gb DDR 333mhz Ram
Maxtor 120 Gb Ultra 133/ATA HD
Audigy 2 sound/6.1
Pny GeForce FX 5600 8x Agp, 124 bit, 256 Mb Video

Anyways, I was hoping someone could lend a helping hand.... System starts up... Case fans, CPU fan starts up... Hard drive spins, CD rom spins.. No video signs of life... Optical mouse does not light up.... keyboard does not light up...It just sits...

Thus far, I've done this.... Bare boned it... just MB, Ram, CPU.. Nothing.. same results.. Ive double, triple checked all the cables and connections.. I have reset cmos(could find no onboard jumper for cmos/bios) Just popped the battery out to reset it.

Im a bit at a loss.. Ive even gone in and exchanged both the MB and CPU thinking one was faulty... still the same results..

To sum it up..The video Card works in this system, The HD works in this sytem, the sound card works in this system.. so they dont seem to be the problem....

Am I missing something here? Anyone? :)

Thank you kindly ahead of time for any consideration and responses on this.

Someone mentioned checking the fsb jumper or the bios reset jumper to make sure they were on the correct settings.... I am unable to find either on this new board.. Any ideas?
Hi there,

just a thought, anyways a place to check, is the heatsinkfan plugged into the correct connector and is it working properly? are the secondary USB connectors hooked up correctly? some systems will not post if the USBs are messed up (protection circuits in use)...

another place to check, the RESET switch, unplugg it and power on the system does it post? if yes throw out the reset switch, if no then no loss just one variable out of the equation...

is the ram suited for the mainboard and is it firmly inplace?

Try just one of the sticks of ram but my bet would be on your power supply because you have changed the CPU and motherboard, it seems lkiely that one of the rails are down

Replying helps further our knowledge, without comment leaves us wondering.
If you bareboned it and left only memory, CPU and video, then the system should start up. If you get nothing, then try removing the memory and see if it beeps. Make sure your speaker is connected, it's very important to hear if it beeps.

If it does not beep, try putting the memory back and removing the video (if not onboard) and then the CPU. If you get NO beeps ever.. then your board is not initializing properly.

Either it's a wrong jumper or bad setting or the motherboard is just plain busted. It's warrantied if you just bought it, so get the MB exchanged.

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."
First you say: No video signs of life... But later you say that the video card works fine. To clear things up, are you getting a display on the monitor or not? and if not then how do you know it works? That being said I would lean towards the Power supply or the mainboard as being the problem.
One thing, how long did you leave the battery out for? A short time probably won't clear the cmos as there is a capacitor that stores a bit of juice to keep this going when the battery is out. A few minutes should do it for your board(the manual says 30 seconds). Also is the 12volt power connector connected to the board? It's the square one with 4 pins, the system won't boot without it.

If you're going through Hell...keep going... (Winston Churchill)
Heatsink Fan runs fine.

I've tried booting with and without reset plugged in..

I also thought the front case USB might be the problem, Ive doubled checked those and they were in correctly, However I even tried without them in use.

The RAM is suited for the MB... it was bought with this motherboard in mind.

The computer does not beep... single. double or triple... Ive yet to hear one sound out of it.

Rock... The Video works fine in this system... That is how I know the video card is not bad... right now I have this computers 9700 Pro in the other machine with no change.

Power supply plug is correct on the MB... that was the first thing I checked :)

I left the battery out for about 4 hours actually, I fell asleep while waiting for it to reset heh..

Ok, On to the Power supply....Its a 450 PSU, It powers up the CPU fan, the HD, the MB indicator light comes on, the CD-rom lights up... 6 case fans spin up... Does this still leave the possiblity that its bad?

The only thing left in my mind that could possibly be causing this is the ram or a bad jumper... I have no possible way to test the ram, since its 2700 and is not made for this MB Im currently writing this on... As for jumpers...Ive searched high and low for a FSB setting somewhere on the board to see if it was set correctly, However I can not find one... Nor is there a bios reset jumper...
Try without IDE hooked up... seen some mobos who didn't POST with faulty IDE cables or DRIVES...

CMOS reset switches are usually either right next to the Battery or the BIOS chip...

and yes there are jumperless (FSB) mobos out there... I've got one...

have you tried powering up without KBD and/or Mouse? any of these can cause no POSTING...


PS - yes the PSU could be faulty even though the Fans spin up aswell as IDE devices... PSU could be putting out 12V and 3V correctly and messing up on the 5V line (no power) to check this you either use a know functioning PSU and/or do a Voltage test on the PSU (diffucult but not impossible) I've seen somewhere on the net how to do this (ATX PSU)...
There is no cmos reset switch on this M.B. That is according to the manual. It does say to unplug the power cord first and then remove the battery for 30 seconds.
One small thing to check is that the reset switch is not stuck in. I've seen this before; everything seems to power up, but it doesn't boot and there are no beeps at all.

If you're going through Hell...keep going... (Winston Churchill)

Two things to try:

(1) Hold down BOTH mouse buttons while you POWER ON the system (i.e. have both buttons pressed BEFORE you turn the system on and hold them for up to 5 seconds after it powers on).

OR if that doesn't work

(2) Hold down the INS key on the keyboard while you POWER ON the system (i.e. hold down the INS key on the keyboard BEFORE you turn the system on and continue holding it for up to 10 seconds after powering the system on).

One of those might get your video to reset and allow it to reach a POST of sorts...

Good luck!

If you added the video card, and there is one built in to the main board, try going into bios and disable the onboard video. there may be a conflict of IRQ's or one not being given to the pci video and that would halt the startup.

[tt]Hi Jamessr, your mobo does not have any on board vga, last I checked on the website.
Also to note, the mobo supports only 1.5V display card. I had difficulty in checking your graphic card details for you though, but I think there are graphic boards that are rated 1.7V?? Can someone help enlighten on this...
Just a quick update.... The motherboard was bad, I took it in to the store I bought it from and they tested it. I have put in a new motherboard and it boots up fine....

New problem...

I can not install Windows... Every time I try to install it, I get a blue error saying windows has encountered a problem and shutdown so it would not damage my computer.... heh.. Anyone have any ideas?
Are you trying to do a clean install on a newly partitioned and formatted hard drive?
Yes.. I can get through the partition and Format process, but the second it leaves formating and starts the install process, the system locks up with a blue screen error...
Hi Jamessr, glad to hear that you at least got the mobo to POST...

question: are you trying to install WinXP? and is it a hardware malfunction screen (Purple with white lettering) telling you to contact the Manufacturer? if YES (I've had this prob with a 1.0ghz P3) then try lowering your FSB (in order for me to run XP my cpu is now crippled down to 866 mhz (both Linux and W98se run fine at 1.0ghz and overclocked)...

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