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New Question. Clipper 5.2e, and Playing WAV files. 1

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Aug 26, 2002
Does anyone know of a library, that may use Windows drivers, (will be using Win98) or be able to access the Motherboard or PCI Sound card, or ANY other advice, on HOW can I play a Wave through a sound card rather than the pc speaker.

In our noisy area's, its pretty important to "hear" the error messages sound off.

In Dos mode, we could use a Creative Labs ISA 16 bit card and a utility (from Sup3552 lib, or.. some other utility lib) that lets you use Creative Labs Sound Device to play a wav.

That does not work on PCI cards, or Motherboard sound Cards.

Help Please :) ( I did a search on Sound, and Sound Card, and Wav to no avail.)

Rj Coats
Computer Programmer/Technician
Hot Springs, AR.
Hi, RJ

The following works for me (here using winamp but wmplayer
also works):

?"about to call winamp"
yn="c:\progra~1\winamp\winamp.exe c:\windows\media\tada.wav"
run &yn

The first time it is run it will invoke winamp and set focus there. However subsequent calls will not cause DOS window to lose focus so if you start winamp minimized in autoexec or login batch file that should do it.

This assumes comspec is set correctly, if not you will have to invoke the command interpreter appropriate to your OS and hand it the rest.

THANKS a Ton for the Reply. I didnt even think to try something like that.

Winamp works, without going back into windows.
Wrote a test program just to try that stuff out.

mplayer makes you go into windows. Then have to alt/tab back in. winamp is the choice. I use it personally anyway.

Thanks again.

Rj Coats
Computer Programmer/Technician
Hot Springs, AR.
Would flashing the screen in red be an alternative, this 'starting' of a sound file trough the run command looks a bit slow to me, but I haven't tried it yet, so I may be in for a surprise ;-) Winamp is in memory ofcourse, so doesn't have to load up, hmm, I'll see.

TonHu, The only problem there is (on the flashing screen)..
You have a scanner gun, you turn around oposite the computer (not looking at it), and are about 10 feet from the computer in a fairly noisy area (mostly blaring radios and forklifts beeping)scanning barcodes checking the correctness of a pic slip (warehouse).

I wanted to use just the internal speaker, but found out there, you'd need super hearing. And Flashing the screen will never be seen in time.

BUT... on the good note, calling winamp, with it already loaded, starts playing within less than a second.

So, Its working GREAT!
Thanks guys :)

Rj Coats
Computer Programmer/Technician
Hot Springs, AR.
I'm testing the new Vouch32-lib version (3.3) right now, and it looks good. Just like all 'new' software it has some bugs and peculearities, but that will be solved (I hope ;-))

One point about Vouch32 is that it takes a few seconds (depending on the functionrequest and computerspeed) to start that function (external program is started...) so reactionspeed might be so-so.

I'm not planning to use any sound-effects in my apps, but I can test that if you like?

Im downloading Vouch. Not sure when I can test it, but hope to soon.
Thanks for the replies. This stuff really helps.
Winamp so far worked good in a test environment.
We'll see what Vouch can do. All I could find is a Trial Version. But may be worth the purchase if it works out good.

Thanks again for all the replies here.

Rj Coats
Computer Programmer/Technician
Hot Springs, AR.
If you really want to know what's in Vouch32.lib, you'll have to get the help-file, as the webpage info is a bit out of date. As even the helpfile is not fully up to speed with the lib, the extra info is available in the forum (most of it s-))

I'm quite enthousiastic about Vouch32.lib, as it finally gives me Windows printing from Clipper (including barcodes), so that's a total different solution than your sound system!

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