I've upgraded my system from 450MHz to 900MHz by replacing the mb and video card. I formated the c: drive, loaded Windows 98 SE and Backup Exec. Now when I try to restore my files from my Sony SuperStation I get a few restored then get an "Unexpected error has occurred. (07-0e-23-02-4800)". This occurs with two different backup tapes.
The tape unit, tapes and Backup Exec software worked fine on the old system. The tape unit is attached as Master to the standard 2ndary IDE connector on the mb rather than the Ultra DMA connectors the same as before.
Needless to say I have a problem. Any suggestions?
I've upgraded my system from 450MHz to 900MHz by replacing the mb and video card. I formated the c: drive, loaded Windows 98 SE and Backup Exec. Now when I try to restore my files from my Sony SuperStation I get a few restored then get an "Unexpected error has occurred. (07-0e-23-02-4800)". This occurs with two different backup tapes.
The tape unit, tapes and Backup Exec software worked fine on the old system. The tape unit is attached as Master to the standard 2ndary IDE connector on the mb rather than the Ultra DMA connectors the same as before.
Needless to say I have a problem. Any suggestions?