I have a report where the "New Page After" option is checked for the primary group footer. Each page has a page header.
This correctly insures that the next group will start on a new page. But it also means that the page following the last group also has a "new page" which just has a page header. Is there any way of suppressing the "new page" after the last group? I tried to create a conditional
New Page after by including the formula PageNumber<TotalPageCount, but this had no effect There must be a way to suppress the final new page after. Thanks in advance.
This correctly insures that the next group will start on a new page. But it also means that the page following the last group also has a "new page" which just has a page header. Is there any way of suppressing the "new page" after the last group? I tried to create a conditional
New Page after by including the formula PageNumber<TotalPageCount, but this had no effect There must be a way to suppress the final new page after. Thanks in advance.