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new m/board + new cpu pc wont start/no post 1

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Aug 19, 2002
I have installed new motherboard and cpu.
New cpu is intel celeron D 2.4ghz processor m/board is foxconn 865a01-pe-6ls
RAM is 512 mb ddr pc2100
I hit the power on button and the cpu fan starts up but nothing else happens no beep
so post isn't happening.

Any help much appreciated.
Strip it down to just processor and motherboard and see if it beeps. If it does add one componet at a time and keep trying to boot. See if you get any beeps then.
Hi thanks for the reply,
ok tried that just m/board and processor and nothing happens except cpu fan starts. Only thing connect is PWRSW so I can turn it on.

Appreciate the star however unless I solved your problem wasnt a need for it lol. Ok look in your user manual as for the steps to reset your bios and follow them. Reset it how it states to then try booting again with everything on it. Let me know what happens.
didnt know I had given u a star?
I cant access the bios or anything there is no video signal and when I power on, the cpu fan starts and thats it; nothing on the monitor.
No when resetting your bios like im refering to you wont need to access it. Read your motherboard manual , it will say a certain jumper or way to reset it and it will usually have steps that way you dont damage your motherboard. Like power must be unplugged from all boards when resetting.

Given that this is a new build, chances are there is something shorting out in the case or not all of the required power conections are firmly made.

First, check all of your MB power connectors and ensure they are firmly seated. Is the CPU correctly inserted in the socket?

Next I would suggest pulling the MB and PS from the case and do a breadboard setup. Use a static free surface (like the bag in which the MB was shipped) and set up the MB on a table top with one stick of memory, your video card (or onboard video) and the PS. Once again, make sure all connectors are firmly seated and that all necessary connectors are in the right place. Short out the starting pins with a screwdriver

Done this way, eliminating all possiblity of MB to case shorts, it should POST. If not, either your MB, PS or CPU may be toast. If new, the MB and CPU should be replaceable under warranty, and PSs are relatively inexpensive to replace. Just make sure it's a name brand and of sufficent wattage to power all your peripheral devices you have planned.

Let us know what shakes out.

Mike, The IT Guy.


Life is too short to drink warm beer....
Have discovered a 4pin 12v atx power connector in addition to the usual 20 pin so maybe I need that as well as 20 pin, will get a knew power supply tommorrow and see what shakes out. Will post and let u know.

Thanks for the help

warm beer is better than no beer though :)
I hope you did not dammage your mainbord, the currents involved can be very high indeed and can burn the tracks on the mainbord if the 4 pin 12 volt connector is not used. One of my techs ruined 3 motherbords that way. Ok that was with P4 3.4 Ghz cpus.
Regards and good luck.

Yep connecting the 4pin 12v atx power connection sorted the problem.

thanks for the replies

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