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New ICS Thread...

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Feb 4, 2002
Hi All,

Some may have seen my other post. Here is a summary:
Two XP Pro machines and a cable modem.
Host machine ran Wizard to make ICS on the cable modem adapter.
Client machine, ran Wizard to make part of same workgroup.
Doesn't work...

Right, I managed to rule out network adapter problems because all three adapters involved each separately connect to the internet through the cable modem.
I have tried setting up ICS manually and automatically.
I had Zone Alarm installed, and so I have uninstalled that completely from my system.
Currently, here is what I CAN and CANNOT do for each machine:
I can ping the client on
I can net send to the client on the same IP.
I cannot browse the wrokgroup as error appears that says, "workgroup is not accessible. You may not have permission to use this network resource. Contact administrator, etc..."

I CAN ping (itself)
I CANNOT net send to host.
I CAN net send to self.
I CANNOT access the internet.
I CAN see the workgroup successfully, and a little icon for the host computer through windows explorer!!

MY BRAIN: I cannot work this out!!! Someone please be a guru and help! Try to avoid answering this if you are not sure as many people avoid non-zero threads. Plus, if like the last thread you want to point me to ICS links... I have already been to these three, so unless you know of any new ones specific to my problem, thanks in advance for thinking of me, but I need to move on from that stage.

Not only have I been to each of the above sites, but I have followed their steps religiously and have re-installed ICS many many times now... :(

Thanks in advance,

Sounds like it should work (assuming NICs on crossover connection compatible speeds - did once see a post where one was 10 the other 100, and it 'worked' one way). I must say I always make network settings manually - never use the wizard.


Try just networking the 2 machines (ie, remove one NIC from Host, and manually configure the IP addresses, make sure something is shared on both machines and see if the LAN works). If you can do this, add the second NIC back, manually share its internet connection, and set cleint machine back to automatically pick up IP address. Note - I'm assuming it is set that way now - which might be wrong, as it doesn't usually assign - it should be for ICS to work, or if you are manually assigning, you also need to specify as gateway).

PS. You could also try excellent free proxy server to see if that can sucessfully share the connection.
OK, first off. before you think about ICS. the 2 machines need to talk freely.best bet unplug the cable modem temporarily. are you using a reverse lan cable between 2 boxes or do you have a small hub. hub is best method. set the ip address for one nic on each machine in the MS Residential pool set of numbers 192.168.xxx.xxx, however do NOT use the address of xxx.xxx.xxx.x01 or .x02 on either machine. you will have a problem with these machines looking to resolve who is in charge of DHCP. "You must be logged in as admin also on both boxes" next on each machine go to run and type "command" hit enter. in the dos window type ipconfig/all and see what your puter has listed. next to change the network addess info you need to type in that same window ipconfig/? for all of your options. after setting them both on the same subnet (ip range internally)
then you need to share resources, enable file and printer sharing (simple file sharing) should be fine. you find these permission in the admin tools under system policy. usualy xp is willing to connect easily if the same worgroup and ip range is there. hope that helps, after they talk localy its a snap to setup ics.

"Never Argue with an Idiot. They will Lower You to Their Level, Then Beat YOU with Experience"
the only thing about analogX's proxy is its inability to use many of the ports you have aavailable. I love analogX's programs but if you do any mirc, icq , or plan on playing online games with both machines. analogx's proxy doesnt cover the needed range of ports. If just web surfing and email is it it will work great.

"Never Argue with an Idiot. They will Lower You to Their Level, Then Beat YOU with Experience"
I will let someone else reguide where need be but here is quick/dirty and more then likely possible solution

Is this always like this?

check DHCP to client and DHCP from host are active! Host must be up and running FiRST!

Input DNS if available!!!!!!!!!
If you not using netneui then use ipx as well.

Manually try inputting as gateway and 0.xxx for the clients.

Register connections DNS info!

Rejoin/repair connection

simplified/advanced file share ?

check workgroups/users profile and users allowed to access from remotes

check firewalls

check proper protocol AND port binding

reinstall entire nic and interferings configs/profiles

something here is your issue!


Hi all, Thanks for many good ideas here. I have only just got back to the machine though, so have not had a chance to set up yet. Here are some first responses though:
1. To wullof: I set it up manually to start, because I don't trust Wizards as a rule! Essentially I had two machines, one XP and the other WinME, and they worked perfectly even using the IP range 192.168.4.xxx which I preferred for some reason too long to say here. However, my main machine died (memory and HDD close to one another) so I bought a new machine with an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe Dual LAN integrated Mobo (Rev 2.0) (Loverly!) Well, I say bought, but I bought all the bits and built myslef as with all machines I have ever owned. I kileld the ME machine to add floppy, and CD and other bits to the new machine, and re-built the other main machine (now second) with ne mem and HDD. Both with XP Pro. I set up manually and no go... I looked for answers on net and tried using Wizard, still no go. I spent an hour with tech support on ASUS to make sure both NIC connections from the Mobo work (I can't take out the cards and reseat! Someone suggested...). The worst I got was no comms at all, and the best is the situation now after 2 weeks struggling with this.

2. To smactek: Don't have an extra hub and no funds, and as I already had a working cross-over solution (XP and ME), I just assumed it would work here... Plus, as they are new machines, I was only working as Admin on each machine for a while, and then set up extra log ins with Admin rights to see if that helped, and indeed gave me MORE comms than when I had only Admin on each machine. Interesting that "command" worked as with XP for almost 2 years now and W2K before that I always use "cmd"... :)
IPCONFIG gives everythingas I set it up with no anomolies, IPs are right, Gateways all set, but not sure why you mention DHCP except to turn off.... except i the case of the internet connect which works fine on each of the adapters on both machines.

3. To TheZeDD: Trust me when I say I have done all that! ;)

4. To clayton74: A new link! Great! I have bookmarked it and have decided I will turn off the NICs on the Mobo (in BIOS), and disconnect cable modem, and uninstall NIC on the other machine (physically and software!), and then start from scratch following the directions there just to see... first glance they are no different than mine, but I have since updated BIOS's and a few other things, and have uninstalled ZA, so maybe it will work... I'll let you know tomorrow...

5. To all: Thanks chaps! Good to hear from you all!


192.168.4.xx ? using iCS? Hmm..

"Trust me when I say I have done all that!"

But your reinstalling the NiC now and then getting back to us ;)

You need links =o

GL! Keep Us Posted!

All - This post contains some personal history you could skip if you wanted... the only bit relevant to the thread is where ****** continues below:

Anyway, Z, nice post! Very fully covered, amusing, and accurate! Given a few hours and some coffee I daresay I could have written the same before all these problems!

Oh, and sorry about my confusing the issue with 192.168.4.xxx, this isn't relevant here as essentially this is what I had working before, and had set up this time, but I have since changed to the default 192.168.0.xxx to try and get it all working.

I have actually set up about 15 personal ICS networks for clients (I started a Limited Company a couple years back - history follows), and 3 local small businesses with 10 or so per-to-peer XP and Windows 9x/Me machines... All successful first time! Of course, come to think about it, they were all 192.168.0.xxx, but anyway...

You see I was made redundant 3 times in 12 months back in 2000/01 and finally spent 5 months unemployed where my £800 or so of CC/Loan bills each month were covered by insurance only if I didn't work, which meant I couldn't even go to work at Tescos stacking shelves for the interim, I was truly stuffed!

So I decided to start a Limited company aiming at local businesses, schools, and home networks. The service offered included Tech Support (and continuous contracts), Web sites (my recent site for my parents-in-law is: - though not finished yet!), School projects, CV/Resume sites, Interesting off-the-wall projects, Development, and anything else anyone decided to suggest (Had an ideas page on the site with a form for new ideas that people fancied trying out). I still think this would be a good business, but at the time I hadn't the cash/time ratio to build a client base before I ran out of advertising budget, and so business dwindled until I had to close the business down last year, and declare bankruptcy last December. Certainly not a happy tale! But getting there! At the time I did build an in-house Office network for myself, and it had an Athalon 750 XP Pro machine (Well, W98 first, then W2K, then XP when available) and a P166MMX with ME all with ICS working without ever having trouble! ;)

Anyway, back to the problem... :)

The only thing I haven't done, though I can't see why that might be a problem, is apply SP1 to the client. I have to the Host, but I was waiting for the ICS connection so I could download this for the client. Perhaps one of the updates that SP1 makes, makes an SP1 machine incompatible with a pre-SP1 machine as far as ICS is concerned? I've heard of stranger things! Anyway, that's what I shall also do, or try to do along with the other things I posted here!

Ha Ha! Found the problem! My Motherboard came with a lovely Virus SCanner called PC Cillan. Fantastic, except that it also includes a Personal Firewall that doesn't tell you its there!!!
When I finally realised, I turned it off, and voila, all access as it should!
Sorry everyone!

Dont ya just love when that happens or having the need to look over your shoulder upon installing first time around legitimate software to see what else nosed its way ino your system =/

Glad to hear all has been figured :D


Yes! I only used PCCillan because it seemed okay as an AV product, and it came with Mobo, so I figured why buy a new AV product with one for free? Anyway, after this annoyance, and also th fact that after 90 days I'll have to purchase an extended licence for PCCillian, I am deciding to uninstall it. However, I did notice a new AV software that is completely free! And works on XP, so I think I'll make a post (Informational) about this to the main conference.
It is called AVG. The only stipulation is that you register your details to use it for free. Their latest product costs, but even the old free version inlcudes free updates to the latest virus updates! And it has undergone some magazine testing and scored quite well according to the chap who suggested it to me. Here is the link:

All the best,

Grisofts AVG..

AVG has had some pretty good reviews as of recent and their support and quicker now to release updated content is getting better each day. I've only heard of a few instances with trouble or failed detection but that can happen with any AV software.

I've had limited experience and installation with G-AVG but I will definitely say its better then PC-cillian as PCc has sort of fallen off the bandwagon when compared to the rest of the AV software of choice.

If you are looking for the better of the freebies out there ..then your systems are begging for AVG :D


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