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New Challenge For Me 2

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Sep 10, 2010
A buddy of mine is setting up a new law office and asked for computer help. I am a Server Administrator now and have been a Network Engineer in past jobs. So the computer side is easy as can be. I am also working with him on the phone side and I am weak here.

So he has 8 Nortel T77316E phones that he wants to hook up and we have bought the following:
Norstar Modular ICS 0x32 w7.1 software
Norstar Caller ID 4 C.O. Line Card
Norstar Startalk Flash 2 Voice Mail System

I have a couple of 66 blocks that have the Amphenol connectors on them I found a local supplier that sells 5' Amphenol cables that should run from the MICS to the 66 Blocks. 5' isn't that much cable to deal with.

So now my questions. The MICS has 3 ports for the Amphenol connections. The bottom one is the connection from the phone company. We have 4 lines from Comcast which will go here.

The Middle port says it is for Aux and Extensions. I assume the Startalk Flash 2 will punch down here somewhere. Not sure where. Then because it says it is for extensions does that mean I can get by with punching down the 8 extensions here or will I need a second 66 for the top plug to punch down the extensions.

Also about the Startalk Flash 2. Do I need any special cables to hook that up? It appears to have a regular RJ-11 jack that will run to the MICS somehow.


I have been doing some more reading on this and I might have things figured out. I was thinking I could get by with just the 2 connector (extensions and aux). Actually I don't think I need the 2nd connector. I can just go with the first. There are no plans to do hold music at this point and no need for an Aux Ringer or External Page. This is a small office suite staffed by 4 people. The problem with using the Port #2 is that it looks like it will only provide me 8 extension hook ups. Basically 25-32. Since he has 8 phones we are installing that would take all the connections. The problem is that it looks like we need a 9th connection for the Startalk Flash 2.0 based on what I need. From that installation guide it states that I "Use twisted pair station wire to connect each teladapt jack to a free station port in the distribution block." So it looks like it hooks up just like a station and that I would need 9 available connections in order to use the Aux/Extension port. So I will have to use the top port which is set up for extensions only. This will give me more than enough ports in the distribution block and I can get away with using just one 66 Block as half will be for ports and the other half for incoming phone lines.

Am I right in what I am reading?
yes. also the voice mail needs one port, extension, that will give you two paths to it. Good luck.
This forum is not designed for training people on how to be a tech.
For training you can sign up with the manufacturer or call your local Vendor.

If you are stuck on an issue then feel free to post.

Some would say RTFM!
Well looks like you finaly did after your first post so thats a good start.
I can tell you its frustrating when people dont read the manual and ask questions here that are already explained in the guide.

Note for future we also have a FAQ's tab at the top and link at the lower right of each post, in there you would also find usefull info.

As for me I dont touch Networks, I call Network techs to tackle these as its their job not mine.

As for the ecomomy it is piss poor because nobody is spending money. If you dont spend money how can you expect there to be an economy.

So dont be so offended when you here "call a vendor" because a trained tech is slow at the office, sitting at home waiting or laid off and reads a post that is not a problem/issue but rather somebody trying to install a system that has never installed one before and expects to be trained in the wrong place.

As for your comment about DigitalD in the other thread it was not him whom said "Call a tech".
Also it was a different question, with your questions it was clear you had never done any of this before.

You may just spend 10 times the amount of time doing this where a tech would as a thought. A trained tech can do this in around 5 hours.

1st AMP - Stations 1-24 (you can put vmail on this cable also)
2nd AMP - Station 25-32 plus AUX,RINGER,PAGING.
3rd AMP - Lines

If you have 8 phones and vmail then you need all three AMP cables.

As for programming the phones, lines and voice mail...good luck and take Digitals advice...get dirty, RTFM then ask.



Thank you for this response. Where I was getting confused on the manual is that it kept saying "Look at the wiring charts" however there were not wiring charts listed in the table of contents that I saw. After I posted the question I discovered what they were talking about was under "Connecting the wiring" once I read that section most of my questions were answered. In the defense of the manual there was a sub section that I saw called Wiring Charts under this area.

I will admit that I got a little pissed when I got one good response followed by a bunch of people saying call a vendor. I appologise for that. It has been a long day at work and I wanted to pick up the needed cables today before the vendor was closed. In the end I bought all 3 cables so I have what I need for the system. It wasn't really a matter of cost so much of a case where if I have extra cables I would just end up throwing it away as I would have no use for it.

The thing about this system is that this stuff doesn't look that hard from my perspective, I wouldn't mind learning it to expand my knowledge and I want to see if this is something I want to expand my skill set in. While you are right I haven't done an install on a system this small I have done work on larger VOIP systems as that is what we have at work. Granted we have a Telecom staff but when it comes to the network and IP side of their stuff they rely on us. I asked them first and while they were of some help they have never worked on equipment this small either.

This system is eventually going into a business like I said but not for a month or two. In the mean time, I get to use it as a lab to see how it works. Sure I am going to tackle the install and the programming.

I know I just joined this site today, but that doesn't mean I am new to technology. I have been in the IT field for 18 years now. While my current job only has 2,000 seats at my last job we were responsible for over 370,000 seats in 620 locations around the world. My current stong points are Cisco and Microsoft Server environments. In today's competitive market the more skill sets you have exposure to the more valuable you are to an organization. This is why I am looking into Voice as it is moving onto our equipment (data network) as well as servers and I need to learn it or at least understand it better and this is a good opportunity to "Get my hands dirty".

Thanks Firebird. I do have the manuals. The unit I have also is the Modular ICS not the Compact. I was able to get the Installer Guide and System Coordinator Guide for the MICS and the Startalk Flash 2.0 from the Nortel site and some other web sites.

One piece of advice Sennister....I would set up 3 digit dialing between stations....it makes things easier if and when the system ever gets expanded.

Curlycord, contrary to your arguments that novices shouldn't be accessing this site for advice, I was directed by many industry veterans in the telecom field, including Verizon Switchroom Technicians, Avaya techs and Avaya vendors to this site to solve my BCM/Nostar issues on my home phone system, which I have installed for fun. I do this stuff because I enjoy it and it's not a job for me. I take it your comments are directed to someone like me as well? You'll never know what we will all learn from each other here, so why stiffle someones curiosity? Thanks.

Joseph Sus Jr. Nortel Enthusiast
Ok sorry......you are right, i apologize. You mean individuals that come on here trying to be techs and being paid to do so, are looking for the easy way out......

Joseph Sus Jr. Nortel Enthusiast
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