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New born programmer need direction, please. 1

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Jul 12, 2001
hello, can someone give me some direction of what programming languages should I study. There are so many languages and I don't know which one to go. Let's say JAVA, C++, .NET, C#, and so on. Can someone compare these languages of their pro/con?

Also, how about VB as well? Which one is the industry leading language?
Sorry for my ignorant.

To find out which languages are hot or in demand you can go to any tek recruitment site or your local newspaper site (like washingtonpost.com or hotjobs etc.). Last I checked the hottest were the C flavors (C,C+,C++,VC++,C#/.NET,VB).

Good Luck

Judging by the posts on the forums of this site, VB cleary has the preference by many people. Also VB seems to get preference by employers for its relatively short design time (as opposed to for instance C++). However, it can't hurt to study both....

But if you're at the very beginning of your "career" I would first try to study VB. It's got to be one of the most "simplest" language around. Of course you can dig really deep into things with VB too, but the language is by far not as cryptic as the C language.

On the other hand (since you posted your question in the object-orientated analysis & design forum) you have to know that VB (and this does NOT go for VB.NET) is not really object-orientated. It misses some very important features to be really object-orientated. If its OOP you want to dive in, I sugget you start by studying a real OOP language like C++ or VB.NET (which is far more OOP than VB6).
oh, how about java? It seems easier than c++, but is it less popular than c++ and vb?

thanks again...
Java might be easier, because it does not require you to pay much attention to what you're doing with memory allocation and stuff. But I think Java is only populair in writing Internet apps. I believe it's not quite sufficient to write full featured Windows desktop apps. The problem is that it is supposed to be platform independed, which makes it impossible to use specific windows features (so I've read ones in a Java book). I've never actually used it though, apart from HTML pages.
Hello all!

It depends on what do you want and why do you want to become a programmer.

If you want to get a job in a relatively short time, I recommend you to learn VB. VB is easy, and owns a sweet learning curve but VB it is not and structured language nor a full object oriented language. VB is easy, but is not a good first language to learn because is incomplete.

If you are young, and are starting to feel love for computers, logic and maybe music, as I felt so many years ago, I encorageus you to learn *PROGRAMMING* before to learn any language. There is an old book, called "The art of programming Computers". This book is the very first book you should read. Then, once you have read it, and understand it, try to learn Java, next C++ and next whatever you want...

Best Regards, and good luck!

In my opinion, you can't go wrong with VB, C/C++, and Java. At that point it all depends what you want to do. I personally mostly code in RPG (Report Program Generation). Java is the most crossplatform language, if you know this you can interface into any system. The other two are more platform specific. C/C++ you have to modify to get it to work on other platforms, VB.... well.... it only works on WinBlow$.

I personally would suggest learning Java. You can't go wrong learning it. At least in the iSeries (AS/400) world, java is a very popular language, mostly becuase IBM supports it. iSeriesCodePoet
IBM iSeries (AS/400) Programmer
Thanks to all experts. Any more suggestions are wellcome here.

I would definately start out with Java.

Learning to program is a thought process & not necessarily language dependent. You should be able to transfer your knowledge of one language to most others.

VB6 is great in many situations, and I use it everyday. Its great for creating applications that link to databases & require a GUI.

However, in terms of a programming language VB6 is quite inferior. If you are really serious about learning to program, you will be missing some vary important programming constructs by not taking a Java or C++ class.

I would recommend starting out with Java, as it's much easier for first time programmers to learn basic programming concepts without being bogged down with language complexities like those present in C++.

As for, VB.NET...
Microsoft took VB6 and added to it all the things that a good programming language must have to get VB.NET. In a lot of ways VB.NET works conceptually like Java and C++ and a class in the language may teach you many of the things that you would learn in a Java or C++ class.

Anyhow, hope that helps.


got all your messages re what language to start with. my question is if i can't afford to study (due to time constraint) these languages, can you recommend a site that i can browse and study these languages in my own pace?

thanks all!

I didn't see any mention of Delphi here. This is object oriented and much better than VB in many ways and may even be easier to learn. The only problem I have with VB is that the help (and VB itself) is clearly written by C/C++ programmers. Delphi is actually written in Delphi by Delphi experts so I would argue is much better.

With the growing use of open source software, I would go for C/C++ as most is written in C/C++, but Java is also useful. Personally, I wouldn't start with VB even though it is possibly the easiest out there. I would start with the most useful in career terms which would appear to be in the order of:


I don't make any distinction here between .NET or not. all but Java (correct me if I'm wrong?) can handle .NET in their latest versions.

I started on an early BASIC dialect then went onto Assembler, Pascal, xBase, C, Sculptor and more!
I don't know anyone using Delphi... I don't feel that would be a language most companies would be using. I do agree with the other three though. iSeriesCodePoet
IBM iSeries (AS/400) Programmer
True there don't seem to be as many that use Delphi. Those that use it swear it is better than VB and easier than C++. The code produced is smaller and faster pluse development time from design to release if often much shorter.

There are certainly companies out there that rely on it and yes it is nowhere near as widespread as C/C++. This could mean a person with knowledge of it is going to be in a much better position. Lots of jobs come up in Britain requiring Delphi knowledge.

To be honest, I believe that a developer these days needs to know at least C/C++ and Delphi but preferably also VB and Java. There seems to be a lot of work that requires knowledge of all 4.
Hi vincent,
There are lot of computer languages that you can learn.But learning a language for few months and again starting with another won't be useful.
So just check your interest by having a glance at some languages like C,Java,Pascal......and answer the following to yourself
> What for am I learning the Computer Languages?
a) To earn money as a programmer
b) To pass the time
c) To create some good ideal programs
d) To add my personal credit
and so on.....
for option (a) you are many languages and packages by which you can earn
for option (c) you have to go for a good,efficient and interesting language.
As I know many people go for C language,because you can do anything with 'C'.
Do you know one thing, the Java compiler,Interpreter....are written in 'C' only (Correct me if I am wrong).
So I suggest you to go for 'C',so that it will be easy to shift to Object oriented programming either to C++ or Java if needed.
Only thing you have to learn the OOP concepts.
You can go into system side programming(with 'C') if you are interested in....
As per my knowledge I can say that
"C is the King of Computer languages".

Finally one more to add,If you want to become a true programmer in 'C' you should play with 'C' pointers concept which is very easy,misleading,confusing,interesting and mind blowing.
You say you want to learn programming on your own without paying for classes. Personally I think that is a mistake if you truly want to be professional programmer.

In the first place, real programming is difficult. Many of the concepts are quite abstract. It is far better to get a good basic grounding from an instructor who can answer your questions. You also need a background in other subjects besides programming if you are to be at all effective as a programmer. You should understand system analysis, database design and programming, operating systems and networking at a bare minimum.

Secondly, many companies won't consider hiring you for entry level positions without some professional training so to learn without that will severely limit your marketablity until you get several years of experience under your belt.

Plus when you learn the initial programming concepts on your own, you tend to have gaps in your knowledge which will create problems later on. It's not that I'm against being self-taught. After you know the basics, many programmers prefer to pick up new languages on their own. But I firmly believe that very few people can really grasp complex programming concepts in their first language without an instructor. The self taught tend to skip over these if they don't understand them and then are either alwys stuck at the beginner level or have to unlearn bad habits later when the problems with their simplistic approaches become evident.

Often in today's world multiple languages are required. So at a miminmum I would learn C++, Java and VB. If at all possible I would learn C# and VB.Net. You should also learn at least one flavor of SQL as most business appplications require you to create SQL code. If you plan to do web programming add HTML, XML, and ASP to the list.

If you don't have the money to pay for classes, I suggest you look into student loans.
That may be a good reason to learn some of the principles of a not so useful language. BASIC was just that in the days of DOS or other environments. It was very rarely used for anything other than teaching.
It isn't a good way though of teaching modern principles of programming. For that reason, I would go for either Pascal (perhaps in the form of Delphi) or C. At least C will have the advantage of being available in just about every platform you can think of.
I have to agree with Winstonep, Delphi is definitely much easier to learn and develop with than any of the Microsoft products. Unfortunately, it's not as widely used as the Microsoft products. Having previously developed with VB, if given the choice I would always choose Delphi. However, Delphi is used much more outside the US.

And SQLSister is also correct in pointing the need for SQL, which necessitates learning PROPER database structure (normalization - all true database freaks will lecture ad nauseum on normalization).

Good luck!


There are 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary
those who don't!
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