Has anyone taken the NetWorker admin training classes? How was the training? Is it worth almost $3000 for 4 days? How about the advanced admin training?
i did the NetWorker 5.0 for UNIX Admin I
course some 15 months ago, if you mean that
well it's helpful for the start, but i think you should play around a bit with your storage environment.
in case you alread scripted around and know the basics of the gui i'd suggest to skip that course and do the admin II instead
I teach NetWorker Admin I and Advanced courses and even folks who have been working on Legato for over a year seem to get a lot out of my courses. The 6.x courses are a lot better than the 5.x classes were. I'm getting very positive feedback about the 6.x courses and how they have helped my students.
The Advanced course is for very specific areas, NDMP, Lib Sharing, Remote Storage Nodes, Clusters, and Performance Tuning (allow this is the weakest chapter). Unless you are needing help with these areas you should go to Admin I. The 6.x Admin I course now includes what used to be in 5.x Advanced and Installation courses.
There are companies that charge less than $3000 for the course, like Lexicon inTexas and IMS Systems in Maryland.
I recommend you attend training. It can be very insightful.
I attended the Admin I and II courses. They are good for getting "the basics". These courses did lack in areas of performing recoveries (isn't that the reason we backup in the first place?) To gain more in-depth knowledge, I recommend subscribing to "The Networker Journal". This journal provides some very useful "real-world" information for both the novice and expert. See
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