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Networker backup problems with NT.

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Jan 30, 2002
I am always getting backup probelms with NT.
I have a legato 6.0.2 server in UNIX (solaris 2.6).
I am attempting to backup NT 4.0 (SP6A) it always come up with the following Error......
"save: RPC error: Unable to send"

I have tried to change server settings with no change to this error.
please control the folder and file name on your d-partition. I have the same problem and I find any folder and files with this characters: #; ..; +; and so on. I renamed the problem files - the partition are saved without problems.
hope that helps
best regards
I would like to know the exact "realistic" steps for restoring a WinNT4 SP6 Compaq server with 5 X 9 GB disks, running Exchange 5.5.
C Drive has 4 GB for OS and the rest (D Drive) is for Data.
How long does it take (minimum) ?
Is it tricky to reinstall, using different, but larger Compaq hardware ?
We'll be running Legato Networker running on a UNIX box.

Thanks for any tips from real backup admins.
Hmm, John55_nt, I think you'd be better off starting a new thread for this question. However I will try to help you a bit here. The real answer here would of course be: "It depends". First you need to know where in the system you have your bottleneck. What network bandwith do you have? What is the native tape transfer rate? and last but NOT least how is the data multiplexed on tape? Lets just say that you have a 100 Mb bandwith hard configured and a SDLT tape drive with no multiplexed volumes, you would have your bottleneck on the network. You would probably see something like 5-7 MB/sek transferrate. But if you could start up a new thread and supply more information I'm sure someone can give you a realistic expectation.
cptb : Thanks for the advice
I have started a new thread today. Actually we can assume the following.
a) Multiplexed data... three NT servers per tape.
b) I expect 5 MB/sec transfer rate
c) Bandwidth will be probably dedicated 600 Mb via fibre

What I am most interested in is the steps for a non- bare metal restore. In other words, what do I as an NT admin have to do in terms of setting up the server,
1) before the data restore
2) how many reboots can I expect to need to do ?
3) must I make special partitioning on my NT server ?
4) How is the registry handled ?
5) How does Exchange handle being restored to another machine ?
6) When must the machine be re-intorduced to the domain?
and finally most importantly
7) Has anyone actually done this in a Production environment ?
Thanks for any help or advice
Ok. according to your specific questions.

1. In case of a Disaster recovery: Make sure you install the server as a standalone server in a workgroup. Same location, same versions and SPs. And of course the same hardware. Most important is SCSI hardware and enough disk space. Install the same networker software.

2. After you've installed the OS and Networker restore the system drive and System State/Registry savesets on NT4. On W2k also restore System DB and System Files. Then reboot for the last time. Your server O/S should now be back in business. Then finish up by restoring data and any databases.

3. Should look like before the crash. At least the same disk size.

4. With pre 6.0 Networker it's a Registry savset. In post 6.0 in the system saveset. After restore and before the reboot the registry will be in atemporary location.

5. It depends of the version of Exchange. With 5.x you need to install Exchange server on the target server, create database instances and make the overwritable. Install the Networker client and Networker Exchange module on the new machine, and make a directed restore from the target machine.

6. It will be autromatically connected to the domain after the final reboot.

7. Many times. There is a DR guide on the Legato web site. I suggest you download it and read through it too.

Have Fun

Hi fernandezd, check this out: thread480-214847. It was posted by myself and solved by yours truly since I got no replies with usefull hints. Maybe you can find your answer there.

I've had a lot of problems with my Legato setup on Windows - probably because a lack of knowledge in administering Legato - but nevertheless I chose to replace my Legato installation with a NetVault product named BakBone. And I must say: it is a whole lot easier to use when you are a "poor windows-user"!

Regards fekser
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