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Networker 7.3.2 + Adic Scalar 100. cant replace tape

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May 30, 2006
I have Legato Networker 7.3.2 installed. The o.s. is Windows 2003 server and Adic Scalar 100 library connected. 6 drives, 60 slots. All tape slots are used.
When i need to replace some tapes i eject/withdraw them using networker GUI into Adic mailbox. Then I go and manualu replace tapes into mail box putting ther new tapes or those which contains expired data. Using adic operation panel i import tapes from mailbox into library(command-mailbox-import).
Actualy the problem: networker can't see this new tapes and inventory give no result. This slots are displayed as empty in Networker "Device" page. Just an empty row with a slot nomber(So it cant be labeled ass well). The only thing that helps is to swich off and on a tape library and to restart networker processes. But all unfinished backups are failed.

Sorry for my poor english.
will appreciate any help.
If you use the jbox panel, NW will not become aware of any change. Yo must do all operation via the NW Admin GUI or use nsrjb.
how can i import tapes into library from the mailbox?
Failed false ADIC@6.0.1 nsrjb nsrjb -a -T 000047L2 -d 1184682505 1 Jukebox `ADIC@6.0.1' does not support operations `Add' and `Remove'.
Then you do not have a choice - you must re-inventory the jukebox befory you can proceed.
Try adding by slot, not by volume name.

I have an IBM rebranded Scalar 100; nsrjb -a and nsrjb -w are done by slot number, not by volume name, so instead of "nsrjb -a -T 000047L2", you'd first have to find the next empty slot via "nsrjb -C", then do "nsrjb -a -S SLOTNUMBER", and inventory afterwards for it to learn the volume name.

Of course, if you were using the GUI instead of a command-line, I'm not sure where the problem would be; I know my unit *does* support those options.

Anyway, if you must reinventory, be sure to do a hardware reset first.

Quiesce and eject all drives, then do "nsrjb -HE", and follow that up with "nsrjb -I -S 1-X" to inventory all slots.
no use. it looks like jukebox can't perform any add/remove operations from commandline or gui. actualy the library may be activated in "computer managment - storadge - removable storedge" but it's not. The pbroblem is that library does not tinitialises properly and as i remember guys from company which provided this wonderful :) library said that this can slow it down. :/
Interesting. I'll never claim that the robot operation on my rebranded scalar 100 is the quickest in the world (it can be painfully slow sometimes).

What has me a little confused however, is that in your OP, you state that you "eject/withdraw them using networker GUI into Adic mailbox". Being able to do that isn't consistent with what you say later - "jukebox can't perform any add/remove operations from commandline or gui".

Are you able to do withdraws from the GUI or not? Or do you have to do all inserts and withdraws using the jukebox's interface? If the latter, you're stuck with what you've got since every time you do an op, you effectively clobber Networker's information about the jukebox's inventory state, and the only way to correct it is doing what you're doing. I would investigate other operating modes for your unit and see if they are friendlier to what you want to do.
eject/withdraw is working through GUI ... but deposit ends with timeout and CLI commands like nsrjb gives error message that add/remove operations are not supported o_O

sorry for my english and for asking such stupid question. I have not much eperience at all.
Did you try to increase the "Deposit timeout" parameter. The default value is just 15 seconds. Be aware, timing values are hidden parameters.
Good point 605. That's one thing I have had to take into account on my unit - when I put a tape in the mailslot, I have to wait about 15 seconds for the unit itself to scan the slot and recognize there is a tape in there, after that I submit the deposit command.

There is a difference however, in that if I submit it too early, and the deposit request hits the jukebox before it knows there's a tape ready, I get a completely different message than what he's seeing - I see a message about the mailslot not being ready, not a message about add/remote not being supported.

I'm beginning to wonder if there's a driver mismatch, or something else like the unit being configured to emulate a different library, because what the OP is describing isn't consistent with what I see with mine. It just doesn't make sense to me that you can withdraw a tape normally, but trying to deposit results in a "not supported" error.
Ok, had the same problem: ADIC I500 and Networker 7.3.2. You can import/manipulate the tapes via the tape gui, then inventory/deposit until your hair falls out in Networker, but they don't show up. 2 ways around this:

1. Stop all services on Networker server, remove /nsr/tmp directory and restart services. This worked for me.
2. Try using nsrjb to do an inventory first. This was suggested to me via EMC, I didn't try it, because I had success with /tmp removal.
Obviously wait until your backups are done, so that when you stop/restart services, you don't mess anything up.
hm .. in fact the truth was neaar. there is such a thing in networker as "supply input". A button is wisely hidden top-right and becomes active after running deposit operations .. and operator should click it and confirm deposit operation...
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