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Network-winxp & win98se cant see each other 1

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Technical User
Oct 11, 2002
Hi everyone, I have 3 computers in my house all connected to a hub. 2 run on 98se and the other runs on winxp pro.My problem is the xp computer cant see the 98se computers and visa versa. The 2 98se computers see each other fine. I ran the network wizard in xp, disabled the ics firewall and shared the drives i wanted shared, still no luck.I dont wish to tie this forum up with my problem so if anyone can link me to a good network help site i'll get out of your hair and get on with solving my problem. Thanks for your time.
Same workgroup?
IP address in same range (eg,
Can you ping XP machine from 98 machines and/or vice versa?
(are you using TCP/IP on 98 machines - might be using netbeui - which is not installed on XP by default)
is one site with networking help and instructions
hi wolluf, thanks for the quick reply. Yes they all have the same workgroup name, im not sure how to ping the other computers nor am i sure where to get the ip settings. you are speaking to a real novice as far as networking is concerned thats why i dont want to tie anyone up teaching me basics. I have been to wown and a lot of his info is still old and doesnt deal with my problem (that i could see anyway). Maybe you might know another link i could try. Thanks for your help
to ping, open a dos prompt on 98 or command prompt on XP and type ping IP address, eg, ping

To find out assigned IP addresses (I suspect this may be your problem - from your comments). In XP, open a command prompt type ipconfig, should get display like this (I'm on win2k currently):-

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : bjss.co.uk
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

If you have no ip address or it shows one starting 169. that may be (part of) your problem.

In 98, type winipcfg ftom start/run prompt. This will display a window with IP address info. If none in 98, your 98 machines are using another protocol (netbeui or ipx) to communicate.

The site I mentioned does have up to date info - here's a link to what should be a useful page within it.

Please post back if you discover IP addresses or lack of and my link is still no use.
Thanks very much wolluf, for your assistance, I'll get stuck into it and let you know the results asap.
thanks bcastner, when you say use google, do you mean do a search with "microsoft.public.windowsxp.networking_web" in the subject? If you did I got no returns, can you get me closer to the mark please :)
Thanks for your time, I appreciate it
well, so far a disaster, well not quite. My status so far is as follows:
1. 2 98se comps still see each other and the network cards are using the netbeui protocol.
2. the xp comp still cant see either 98se comp and the network card is using netbeui protocol.
3.On the xp comp typing ipconfig i get this, autoconfiguration ip.
default gateway.
4. On the 98se comp that has a dsl USB Modem connected to it i get this,
PPP adapter
default gateway
ethernet adapter
ip autoconfiguration address
They all have the same workgroup name.
When I ping the xp ip from the 98se comp the ping request times out after 3 attempts.
In summary, I have been going around in circles on the xp machine because i am not familiar with the os. I figure to leave the 2 98se comps alone because they see each other ok and share drives and printers. So I guess i need to attack the xp comp. In order to avoid slashing my wrists in the very near future, all constructive help would be much appreciated.
Just like to know if someone can have a look at my last post and perhaps provide some more direction. My problem is win xp, not knowing my way around it. If someone can give me a number of steps to follow with my xp comp I might get closer to solving my problem. In brief, I have changed all my ethernet cards to use the netbeui protocol, both win98se machines share drives and printers and cant see the xp comp. The xp comp cant see either win98se comp.
Ockerb -

I had the same problem adding an XP workstation to an existing 95, 98, Me network. Switching to IPX/SPX meant that the other computers could "see" the XP box. The XP computer could still not see them.

Switched the whole network over to TCP/IP, that solved the problem. I confess that at the same time I added a router which serves as a server to set the ip addresses in each machine.

I found the HTTP:\\ link above very helpful as well.

Hey ockerb.I had the same problem when tying 2 pc's in a network.I had done everything by the book , but still , there was a problem.What I did and helped was re-configuring the cables and their positions in the plugs(the little thingies you put the wires of the cable into in a certain order).What kind of a Lan-Board do you have ?
Because all 3 lan boards have to run under the same frequency(100 Mbps ,I hope).The windows xp cable could have not been configured right.Reconfigure it and see what happens.that solved my problem.i had 100mbps boards connected with a 10 mbps cable configuration.after reconfiguring the cables,i fixed the problem.try it.it won't hurt and it might just fix yo' problem!
Adios and good luck !
Nearly EVERY problem I have seen erupt when somebody tries to add an XP machine to an existing home network was due to the fact that they failed to eradicate Netbeui a long time ago from their 9x machines.

If you have something like a network that is hubbed together to a cable or DSL modem, you may have to worry about the standard cure though. If you have a NAT router between the Internet and your home network you are pretty safe. Things can be scary if you rely on ICS types of software to provide your NAT functionality.

If you have "protection" you should get Netbeui off all your machines and use TCP/IP as your ONLY network protocol.

If you have a scary situation, having file/print services bound to TCP/IP means a serious risk of exposing your machines to Internet hackers though. In this case you should try installing IPX on ALL machines and binding file/print services to it. You also want TCP/IP for Internet access, but make sure you don't have file/print services bound to it. In any case GET RID OF NETBEUI.

Modern versions of Windows are optimized to use TCP/IP and it is the preferred network protocol. IPX is still supported for "scary" situations. Netbeui is deprecated, and can only be installed on XP by a little screwing around.

You COULD still use Netbeui on all your machines, but what happens very often is that XP and 2000 machines end up ignoring it, choosing TCP/IP instead. I don't think there is a way of making a service use two protocols at the same time, thus having IPX or Netbeui installed in an XP or 2000 box means you risk having the file/print sharing service ignore it.

The best option is to use a hardware NAT box, and many of these incorporate additional "firewall" features these days. You may still want to use software firewalls on your nachines, but in general I find them a major nuisance. That part is your call. Then GET RID OF THE EXTRANEOUS PROTOCOLS and use only TCP/IP. I even have a DOS machine that I run in my own home network, and it uses only TCP/IP and has full peer access to my other machines.

Some hardware NAT boxes (usually they sell 'em as "routers" or even "firewalls" these days) can even support an external dial modem if you use a dial ISP. Many of them have a nice print server built in. Typically you get a 10/100 switch as a bonus (built in). They usually cost well under $100.

My own brother keeps refusing to do this, and he has all the symptoms I see described here. Everyone else whose network I have cleaned Netbeui out of is fat and sassy now.

I know how hard it is to mess with "a working setup" but your setup isn't working. That's the point. And the problem isn't XP, it is your 9x boxes that are still using Win 3.1 era network protocols.

Of course my advice is worth exactly what you paid for it too. ;-)

These guys are VERY helpful, and have spelled it all out. I see they were mentioned by a previous post - good job!

Even these guys are slowly waking up to the idea of exterminating Netbeui, though they need to redo some of their web pages that still tell people to use it. At least they've started recommending consideration of IPX instead where warranted.

I sincerely hope you get XP working with your other machines soon.

Don't rule out hardware/cable problems either, but if your XP machine and the others all see the Internet you can stop fretting about the cables and plugs.
I have a home network that has an XP Home, ME, 2000Pro and had at one time a 98 and XP Pro on it. I have managed to get all to talk and share but was rough going at times.

Hope this not a silly question but on you XP machine's ethernet adapter, is the connection light lit and does the traffic light flicker when the other computer talk? If not try the cable connections and make sure the XP network cable is not plugged into the uplink connector on the hub (that connector has a reversed pinout for connecting to a building lan connection).

Also just as an info question, how are the IP addresses on you network getting asssigned. I have a Linksys router so I can share my cable modem to all the computers on the lan and it supports DHCP so I just let it assign the IP addresses. If you don't have a DHCP server running somewhere than you have to manually configure the IP addresses and subnet masks yourself (though yours seems fine).

Another thing once you get the IP talking. There seems to be a chasm between the way NT products (what XP is based on) and the way 9x products (95,98,ME) handle security and this has caused me grief. If you put a password on a share then I'm not sure it can be used across this chasm. I don't know the ins-and-outs of this but 9x products seem to only use a password to control access to shares where XP (XP pro specifically) controlls access through accounts (login and password). To get everybody happy on my network I had to make my shares either open or read-only and secure them by using the firewall in my router. This is not my preference, but you gotta do what you gotta do. At work I have the same problem also. If you must use open shares you need to consider the security impacts. Since I connect to a large lan at work I have an open share that I usually leave empty and NEVER put executables in it as it is at major risk point for viruses, etc.

One final note of FYI. Workgroups has no impact on your problem. They are pretty much meaningless regarding connectivity and security. They just provide a way of grouping computers so it is easier to find them when browsing the network.

Hope some of this helps.

Hey people,about having 2 ports installed(IPX-which is a NOVEL port and is becoming absolete-and TCP/IP)on the same computer running Windows XP!
I have a Windows XP Pro and a LAN.I have insatlled both the TCP/IP and IPX ports and there are no problems.My LAN also has 2 PC's running Windows XP Pro and these 2 ports installed and I have encountered absolutely no problems in using the LAN whatsoever !!!
I still think it's the cable configuration !!I've had the exact same problem and re-configuring the cables solved the problem.Hope u take my piece of advice and reconfigure the cables.
Good Luck !!
Hiya Fellas, you have all been great in offering various types of advice. I thank you all kindly for that. I guess its now up to me to nut it all out and start configuring the lan the way that everyone says it should be.If and when I get this thing fired up I'll let you all know.
Once again, thanks again
XP doesn't support obsolete NETbeui.... try setting up tcpip stack using any fake ip addresses.... disconnect any broadband for the purposes of troubleshooting.
Hi everybody i have also the same problem i tried everything you said. final position when i ping xp from (itself)xp says request time... when i ping 98 from xp says reply, when i ping 98 from 98 says reply. when i ping xp from 98 says request...
Finally sometimes it says cannot access to workgroup check administration access . I use only protocol and cannot access to work group when i install ipx i can access to workgroup but cannot see the others. When i ping the name of 98 no host found when i ping ip address says reply (I use static ip)
Can you send me solution to my email address please my address zulfierken add yahoo.com
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