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Network Printers for all Users 1

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Feb 20, 2002

We have network printers set up with Windows 2000 Server, this works nice and fine, trouble is this, every time a new user logs onto a Windows 2000 Pro machine you have to reinstall the printers everytime, this really is a pain, is there a was so that I only have to install the printers once and they will then show up for all users???


When you say words like "for all users" and "when they log in" it remindes me of Group Policy.

check this link

be careful with the group policy, you can really screw things up if you are not super careful.

I havent tried this personally, but it might be worth investigating. Good Luck,

Steve Kennemer
Dallas TX
have you tried a vbscript in the logon script

dim oNet
set oNet = wscript.createobject ("Wscript.network")
oNet.AddwindowsPrinterConnection ("\\printerpath\...")

I do use Policies and have read the information on the link, but there are lots of options, but auto adding printers is not one of them, so no luck there im afriad.


The VBScript looks good, but I don't know VB so that sort of counts agaist me on that one, how would I get that script to work in a Script.bat file??

Hi we have been trying to sort this in another forum if you search for "Help writing a little cmd script." you will find the method for doing this.or look for forums in which I have paricipated in ITSFISKO If I only knew today what I will know tomorrow.
We have the same problem, our users have to pick a printer every time they log on.

In AD under users logon scripts you can use this.

The cmd line script contains one line

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /u /in /n\\SERVERNAME\PRINTERNAME

copy to note pad alter it to your server and printer name save it as printer.bat and give it a try.


If I only knew today what I will know tomorrow.

Just insert the code above into a .vbs file which is just a plain text file with the .vbs extension.

If you use VBScript and WSH you can use it to set default printers as well which is nice if you have printers in different areas and want to set the default printer for a specific department.


Set nw = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
nw.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\server\printer"
nw.SetDefaultPrinter "\\server\printer"
Just put this in a .vbs file, assign it as a logon script and you're set!


You can log onto each machine (don't know how big your company is so this may not be a viable solution) as local administrator, create a local printer port using the FQDN of the server sharing the printer.

Eg. local port = \\servername\printershare.

Add the appropriate driver to the local port and that's it. Because its seen as a local printer it will appear no matter which user logs on to the PC.

Hope this helps, Glenn
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