About eight months ago an image was created on a computer which was used to clone all the work stations at a particular company. This included all software, mapped drives, printers, ect. The printers were setup using IP addresses. At that time all the computers were in workgroup. About two months later, they were all brought into the company domain. Recently an employee requested to have access to a color printer, one that was not on the original clone. The work stations are set up with permissions as restricted users. I logged on to this users computer as the administrator locally and proceeded with the add print wizard. When typing either the printer name or its IP address, it would try to search but would come back with a message "printer not found or is not on the network"-something to that effect. From a command promt, I can ping the printer, however in network nieghborhood while browsing all the servers, I don't see a printer icon for the color printer as I do for the other two printers that the users have access to. The work stations are Win2k, and the servers are server2003. There is one server that's NT, but is strictly for the accounting department. The majority of the network was set up proir to my arrival here six months ago, so not quite sure how the consultant set all this stuff up? Any sugestions?