When logging on a logon script mapps network drives for that user. During the day duplicate mappings to different drive letters appear in my computer. Its got me baffeled any ideas
Have you got the quick logon checked on the client network config? Maybe the script maps the drives, but as you connect to them the machine thinks it's supposed to remap them - just a guess.
Are they persistent mappings? I use a delete/remap in the script for every logon to make sure any previous user drive mappings are deleted first, then the script remaps them in the script as persistent connections.
Maybe thats not what you're talkin about, but here's the syntax I use in batch:
net use /DELETE R:
net use /PERSISTENT:yes R: \\Server\Sharename
The script does delete them and remaps them but during the day for some reason the same share name will re appear 3-4 times under a diffrent drime letter. We have just done a server rebuild but i cant see how this can effect it as all share and server names are the sane as before
Have you added any new scripts on the server lately?
Check to see if there's any file called net.bat or net.cmd in the netlogon share of your PDC.
There can be a rare possiblity that when you use the NET USE command in the logon script, the Net.bat file in the Netlogon share is run instead of Net.exe file in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder on client machine. As a result, the script can go into a continous loop, and hit the system with multiple mappings for the same share like a boomerang.
If you find such a file, either rename it or remove it and see its effect.
That's the only thing I can think of right now.
I know it's unlikely, but it's possible.
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