I'm running a Unix SCO server on a pentium machine.
Starting today while downloading a bunch of files via ftp my connection stopped responding.
When I unplug the nic the light on the hub goes out but the light on the server stays light. I plug it back in and the switch light stays off.
The only way I can get the light on the switch to come back on is to restart the server. Soon as I see TCP/IP shut down the hub light pops back on. When the system restarts the connection works fine.
I have recreated this problem 4 times by using ftp and downlaoding files to my windows machine. I'm just pulling one file at a time useing the get <file>.ext method.
Anyone know why this could happen?
Starting today while downloading a bunch of files via ftp my connection stopped responding.
When I unplug the nic the light on the hub goes out but the light on the server stays light. I plug it back in and the switch light stays off.
The only way I can get the light on the switch to come back on is to restart the server. Soon as I see TCP/IP shut down the hub light pops back on. When the system restarts the connection works fine.
I have recreated this problem 4 times by using ftp and downlaoding files to my windows machine. I'm just pulling one file at a time useing the get <file>.ext method.
Anyone know why this could happen?