hello everybody.<br>Hope someone can help me with this.<br>I have a website that is working fine in IE but not so fine in Netscape. Sound familiar?<br>I am using Dreamweaver 3 and when I preview the browsers Netscape moves the end of my navbar onto the next line, until I maximise the window whereupon it looks like it is supposed to.<br>My site isn't live yet so dont know if this will happen when it is on the Net or if it is a Dreamweaver glitch.Doubt that it is a Dreamweaver glitch so guessing that this problem will occur when site is live so looking for solution. My navbar is in a table(1*1) with 100% width so not using pixel lengths. Margins are set to zero in both browsers.<br>Please help me get rid of this minimise problem.<br><br>Thanks in advance<br><br>Grandad