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.net conversion 1

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Aug 17, 2001
I did a .net conversion of my vb 6.0 code and I'm having problems.
When I'm debugging my code, it frmAgentMain starts to load and is the active form and then all of a sudden, it goes to End Sub and dies. In 6.0, it hangs until an event is executed on frmAgent. What's different?

frmAgentMain.DefInstance.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal

Exit Sub

Resume Next

End Sub
What's different? Well, you are using a completely different language ...
Thanks genius!

Can anyone describe why the two languages act differently and how to correct?
Pleasure ... but are you really saying "Hi VB6 experts, can you tell me why my MSILCDA* program isn't working"?

Me, I'd probably ask in the MSILCDA forum. In this case, that would be VB.NET

*MSILCDA: Microsoft Intermediate Language Compiler Dialect A, my alternative name for VB.NET, which has NOTHING to do with VB6 no matter what MS try to tell you. It is completely different.
This topic is another reason I wish they wouldn't have kept "Visual Basic" term in the new language.

Apples and Oranges....

strongm is fairly close to a genius :) The reason you have received the answer you did is you haven't done much obviously to research why, what and when the requirement to convert to VB.NET. New framework new language. OOP vs Kind of OOP.

Good Luck!

[sub]____________ signature below ______________
You may get help by means of code here. Just recall what happens to a rat when he eats the cheese off a rat trap while you're Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V'ing that code as your own[/sub]
Thank you! I know strongm is probably a vb genius. Although, probably not the friendliest person in the forum. : ? ) In any case, not all projects justify the costs of timely research and this is one of them. It is a very small and simple utility and I thought by doing some of the work first and then asking questions, I would have avoided obvious questions. I guess I was wrong.

All that he really had to do was point me to the VB.net forum (that I did look for before I posted here) and all would have been well. Take care!
>> not all projects justify the costs of timely research and this is one of them

Been doing this for some time and I'm not sure many will agree with that but well done on the reply :)

I'll venture over there and see if I can lend a hand in the .net forum

[sub]____________ signature below ______________
You may get help by means of code here. Just recall what happens to a rat when he eats the cheese off a rat trap while you're Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V'ing that code as your own[/sub]
MSILCDA...I like that.

To amplify strongm's post, Vb.Net basically attempts to take a completely different underlying code architecture and overlay on it a syntax that approximates VB6. The fact that you can use C# or Vb.Net to produce exactly the same pseudocompiled code ("Intermediate Language", or IL) suggests that .Net is entirely different from VB6, or for that matter C++.

So, the similarities touted by Microsoft are entirely syntactical rather than operational.

After the thousandth time referring a VFred user to the correct forum you can get a little fatigued. We need to try to remember that Microsoft (and more to the point Anders Hejlsberg) is a more appropriate target for any dissatisfaction.

The "VB.Net" people are victims of the VB debacle as much as we are. A lot of newbs get sucked in and stumble into this forum thinking we can help them... most not even having a clue that "Visual Basic" 2005 is barely related to VB 5 or 6 except in name.
I guess my opposition isn't as strong as yours, dilettante. My organization has some very robust applications running on the .Net platform. I would say that internet UI has been very much improved, and ADO.Net is also an improvement over ADO. On the other hand, it sure uses a lot of space.
Nice dilettante.

[sub]____________ signature below ______________
You may get help by means of code here. Just recall what happens to a rat when he eats the cheese off a rat trap while you're Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V'ing that code as your own[/sub]
My only concern is people needing help who get frustrated by the confusion in names.
Oh. Well, we could avoid all that by calling everything ActiveX, couldn't we? :p
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