When I generate report with Crystal 9.0 and .NET the report comes up for display. However, If I have more than two pages say 10 pages in my report output I can browse from page 1 to 2 by selecting the 'Next' icon, but after the second page the next icon does nothing. In other words I cannot browse after the second page. I can go the last page using the 'Last' icon. Only the Last icon works and takes me to the last page. When I try browsing one page at a time backwards using 'Prev' icon, it jumps to the first page skipping all the pages between the last page and the first page.
I tried changing the settings in Crystal report headings, page headings etc. I cannot fix it.
Can someone help?
I tried changing the settings in Crystal report headings, page headings etc. I cannot fix it.
Can someone help?