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Nested Variables

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Dec 29, 2003
I have a file which contains two columns. Column 1 is the pattern to match, column 2 contains the replacement pattern.

B_(Stopp)_(\d{4})(\d{2})\d{2}   B$1_Y$2_M$3
i want to do substitution using the interpolated varabiles in my code. I can get the pattern to match just fine, but when i place the second part in the replacment string, Perl interpolates the variable the string is contained in, but it does not interpolate the $1, $2, $3 variables within that string.

$line =~ s/$changes{$oldname}/$changes{$newname}/g;
print $line;

The print statement always prints "B$1_Y$2_M$3", not the values that should be stored in the $1, $2, and $3 variables.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
I couldn't get it to work either. But what I did which works but adds another step. I search for the search part first, then once I found it it populate the variables $1 $2, then I went for the search and replace.

$line = 'abckdefgh123456';
$search = '(...).*?h(1.*?6)';

# Do the find first so the variables get populated
$line =~ m/$search/gs;
$replace = $2 . '|' . $1;

# Now that you know what you want to replace, search and replace.
$line =~ s/$search/$replace/gs;

print $line;

Let me know if this is helpful
I understand what you posted, but unfortunately it doesn't address my problem. The actual script won't have any knowledge prior to run-time of what pattern to match, nor what the new value will be. Therefore, there is no way to know just how many $1, $2..$n variables will be used. All of this information is contained within a property file.

If i were to code in the $1, $2 replacement values, it would work, but i need it to work by specifying the information in a flat file.

My co-worker and i basically boiled the problem down:

The script reads the properties file correctly.
It pattern matches the files against the first column correctly.

When it gets to the replacement, it treats the value contained within the $changes{$newname} variable as a litteral string, where as I need it to treat it as I see it, and that's a string with variables that need to be interpolated. This is what isn't happening, 1 interpolation happens, but i need 2 instances of it to occur.

Hopefully that clarifies some things.. doubt it though

Can you show how you are building the hash you are using for the substitution, that might be where the problem is.
I understand you. Try this:

If you need to do a second level of variable interpolation in the replacement pattern, you can do this:


$line = 'abckdefgh123456';
$search = '(...).*?h(1.*?6)';
$replace = '$1 . \'-\' . $2' ;
# Now that you know what you want to replace, search and replace.
$line =~ s/$search/$replace/ee;

print $line;

Sure, I'll show you how I'm building the hash, if it'll help. Here goes:

my $INAME = 0;
my $ONAME = 1;
my %changes = ();
my @line;
my $key;
my $old_file;
my $new_file;
my $dirh = new DirHandle;
my @files;

open(FILE, "<change.defs");
while (<FILE>) {
    @line = split(/\s+/, $_);
    $key = shift(@line);
    $changes{$key} = push(@line);
close FILE;

opendir($dirh, "$ARGV[0]")
@files = grep {!/^\./} readdir($dirh);
closedir $dirh;

foreach (@files) {
   $old_file = $_;
   $new_file = $_;
   foreach $key (sort keys %changes) {
      if ($old_file =~ /$changes{$key}[$INAME]/) {
              $new_file =~ s/$changes{$key}[$INAME]/$changes{$key}[$ONAME]/g;
              print $new_file . "\n";

where the file "changes.defs" contains the following:

KEY1    B_(Stopp)_(\d{4})(\d{2})\d{2}   B$1_Y$2_M$3

Now I only have it printing the '$new_file' variable out to the screen to validate that it works. But every time i run it, i get back the following litteral value:


The directory that's passed as an argument has the file named: B_Stopp_20060324 in it.... so when printing $new_file, it should print: BStopp_Y2004_M03

But as mentioned it doesn't..

My coworker was here and he says "What we need to do is have Perl treat a string that is read from a file as if it was code."

Any new thoughts on the matter?

-B - really appreciating the assistance.
hmm... this line is probably not doing what you want:

$changes{$key} = push(@line);

Maybe this is what you mean to do:

push @{$changes{$key}},[@line];

and you will need to use something like mikedaruke posted so the variables will be interpolated from the input file, which as you can see treats the lines as single-quoted strings and will not interpolate or expand variables.
Sorry all, there was a mistake in my code when i tried to recreate the functionality (my actual code can't be posted). Here is code the recreates my problem and i don't know how to fix:

use DirHandle;

my $INAME = 0;
my $ONAME = 1;
my %changes = ();
my @line;
my $key;
my $old_file;
my $new_file;
my $dirh = new DirHandle;
my @files;

open(FILE, "<change.defs");
while (<FILE>) {
    @line = split(/\s+/, $_);
    $key = shift(@line);
    push(@{$changes{$key}}, @line);
close FILE;

opendir($dirh, "$ARGV[0]");
@files = grep {!/^\./} readdir($dirh);
closedir $dirh;

foreach (@files) {
   $old_file = $_;
   $new_file = $_;

   foreach $key (sort keys %changes) {

      if ($old_file =~ /$changes{$key}[$INAME]/) {
            $new_file =~ s/$changes{$key}[$INAME]/$changes{$key}[$ONAME]/g;
            print $new_file . "\n";
I tried changing the regex substitution statement to be s///eeg, and s///ee, like mikedaruke suggested, and got this error:

Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 1) line 1, near "$1_Y"
        (Missing operator before _Y?)
Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 1) line 1, near "$2_M"
        (Missing operator before _M?)

Before anyone suggests it, i also tried changing the "change.defs" file to read:

B${1}_Y${2}_M${3} and B($1)_Y($2)_M($3)

thinking that it was the _ that was causing the problem. Still recieved the same error.


Put your replace in the 'qq[]' and it will work.

$replace = 'qq[B$1_Y$2_M$3]';

Let me know how you make out.
this is working for me:

foreach $key (sort keys %changes) {
   if ($old_file =~ /$changes{$key}[$INAME]/) {
      $new_file =~ s/$changes{$key}[$INAME]/interpolate(0,$1,$2,$3,$changes{$key}[$ONAME])/e;
      print "$new_file\n";
sub interpolate {
   my @args = @_;
   my $pattern = pop(@args);
   for my $i (1..$#args) {
      $pattern =~ s/\$$i/$args[$i]/g;

but it's not very elegant, maybe someone else will know a better way to get B$1_Y$2_M$3 to interpolate.
actually, this is a bit better:

foreach $key (sort keys %changes) {
   if ($old_file =~ /$changes{$key}[$INAME]/) {
      my @matches = $old_file =~ /$changes{$key}[$INAME]/g;
      $new_file =~ s/$changes{$key}[$INAME]/interpolate($changes{$key}[$ONAME],@matches)/e;
      print "$new_file\n";
sub interpolate {
   my ($pattern,@args) = @_;
   for my $i (0..$#args) {
      $pattern =~ s/\$@{[$i+1]}/$args[$i]/g;
You guys are great! I used the sub-routine that KevinADC provided and it does exactly what I need to do.

There's only one thing i don't get about the code though. On the left side of the substitution you have:


I get that if it's not exactly like this it doesn't work, but what i don't undersand is why that is, what exactly does this syntax do for the script?

the matching strings are numbered $1 $2 $3 etc, but the array holding the results of the matches starts with 0 so we need to add one to it to make $1 and $array[0] correspond to each other. The syntax I used is just a tricky way to add one to $i without using a another variable to accomplish the same thing, like this:

sub interpolate {
   my ($pattern,@args) = @_;
   [b]my $n = 0;[/b]
   for my $i (0..$#args) {
      $pattern =~ s/\$[b]$n[/b]/$args[$i]/g;

I picked that trick up a while back after reading "Programming Perl":

Here's a trick for interpolating the value of a subroutine call into a string:

print "My sub returned @{[ mysub(1,2,3) ]} that time.\n";

It works like this. At compile time, when the @{...} is seen within the double-quoted string, it's parsed as a block that will return a reference. Within the block, there are square brackets that will create a reference to an anonymous array from whatever is in the brackets. So at run-time, mysub(1,2,3) is called, and the results are loaded into an anonymous array, a reference to which is then returned within the block. That array reference is then immediately dereferenced by the surrounding @{...}, and the array value is interpolated into the double-quoted string just as an ordinary array would be. This chicanery is also useful for arbitrary expressions, such as:

print "That yields @{[ $n + 5 ]} widgets\n";

Be careful though. The inside of the square brackets is supplying a list context to its expression. In this case it doesn't matter, although it's possible that the above call to mysub() might care. When it does matter, a similar trick can be done with a scalar reference. It just isn't quite as pretty:

print "That yields ${ \($n + 5) } widgets.";
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